Ion doesnt think people will be declined from pugs due to choices they make

So you believe what you read on the internet? GD is a cesspool if misinformation.

Never underestimate how horribly crappy this community is, and their desire to try to restrict content from other players they feel they are better than.


Player who used to be hardcore no life in the past are usually Casual now. Group Finder is a great tool for Casuals. Big headache for noobs though. But Casual doesnt mean we’re noobs. We have less play time. And we carry people on PuGs.


Rio keeps this to a minimum, but when it (rarely) happens you just queue up again. Most pugs are pretty good.

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Just talk at someone else please so I dont have to put you on ignore.
WE ALL KNOW that there are CONSTANT complaints about rejections in here ALREADY.
ADDING crap like this WILL increase the rejections AND thus the complaints.
Please deny it so I can make fun of you when SL drops and the posts about it begin

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Granted, my Rio always sucked, I don’t do dungeons I don’t like or need.

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No one is debating whether you have been asked before. What people are talking about is if there is a big difference from one covenant to another people will start asking

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I’ve pugged hundred if not thousands of times in BFA. I’ve been asked what spec I play (Ele or enh) but never what my choices were for secondary powers. Not once. Never. Not opinion, it’s my experience (which you lack).

Yea people get declined for being the wrong spec or class. How are we so sure people would not get declined for being the wrong sub spec? This is just another layer of judgement coming from a non paladin.

And look at players like me. I DO have the time to play but really dont WANT to be involved in competitive play. I did not like what it was making me in golf or when I tried to move to ‘real’ raiding in Legion.
I can play this game as well as the next guy. but Im sure with my gaming history in WoW theres no way anyone would accept me into a ‘real’ raid, especially if theyre adding to the reasons to deny me.
I mean…I AM running SV hunter with Butchery…a huge no no apparently.

bye bye…

My talents, azerite, essences, and corruptions do the vast majority of my damage. How could covenants be more?

I mean, it wont be any different to people declining based on class. This isn’t really something unique to covenants.

Oh the laughingstock of the shaman forums ignored me :open_mouth:

And its been a complaint in here ten thousand times already about the IO thing…wrong spec…not gemmed or enchanted right…blah blah blah and more blah.
100 reasons to turn them down…adding another one wasnt…isnt…a good idea.
Ion is living in his own little Saran Wrap bubble world and hasnt got a clue how many COMMON folk complain about being denied over nonsense.

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It will happen, you all remember legion launch?

Q&A - “warlocks?”

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The great thing about essences (heaven knows I hated acquiring them on alts) Is that they fixed some classes on the weak points and that we had options to prepare for the content we wanted to play based on the team composition.

When it was a fortified week but my team is stronger with single target essences based on class and spec abilities I had the option to put on meme beam And be the aoe powerhouse for a few pulls each run. That was always fun and working with my team to find out the best essence combos was always fun too.

I cant imagine what BFA would be like if you were locked to the first essence you farmed and could not get any others without a massive grind fest and two weeks wasted time

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Im trying to read about SL…are we literally LOCKED into whatever covenant we choose ?
I mean…thats got to be the dumbest thing Ive ever heard.
I played this game thinking Id love rogue at first. I did love rogue…right up til I played EVERY other class. Right now rogue is the ONLY class Id never, ever want to play again. But when I first started it SOUNDED like a lot of fun. Just turned out that for me…it wasnt.
If I had to stick with rogue because…you know…you chose fruit, you eat fruit…Id have quit the game like two years ago.
Im already regretting boosting characters I believed Id like…$60 a pop shot in the hozenrump. Gone.

They cant throw us into something we havent been about to try out yet and expect us to get it right the first time except by complete accident.

What I see happening with this is TONS of netdecking. People just picking what some Beta player puts up on a website somewhere saying is best and no one feeling safe enough to try anything else out for fear of being stuck with something the end up not liking…or being uninvited over it.

no, easy switching to a new covenant with some sort of limit to switching back.

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oh thank god.
From what it sounded like it was permanent or something.
I cant see them being so dumb as to make something this important permanent without giving us a chance to figure out what works best for us.
Well, ok…I can actually imagine them being that dumb…but Im hoping they arent lol