Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

Why would you make a Worgen just to play in human form? Cut out the middleman and just roll a human.


People are strange.

Then that visage form better get a unique model, because right now, they just look like humans and Belfs and it’s stupid.



Especially since the dragon form is a female Worgen rig which is already fitted for ALL armor


Excellent news! More variety is good.

Would be fine with this if Dracthyr could actually wear armor. That said, I do like the looks of the visage form, and they’re clearly putting a lot of effort into customizations for it, so I’d rather it didn’t go to waste.


I don’t think thats what anyone is asking for. People are asking for the choice to primarily be in their dragon form, or primarily be in their visage form, or a blend. Nobody should be forced to switch in combat. You should be able to be a dragon out of combat, in combat, and a visage out of combat and in combat.


I dont see the problem with them being one race with a choice.

Its not mutually exclusive, asking for armor and visage form in combat. In fact, I think Blizzard should do both. Make every armor slot possible visible on the dragon form, AND make the visage usable in combat. More choices for everyone, and Blizzard -can- do it all. (Except maybe cape because of the wings, but idk?)


Demon Hunter already exists. and going meta or growing wings as needed is already a thing.

so they clearly are capable of making it work.

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So they will essentially be like Demon Hunters, but with the option to stay in draconic form for long periods of time?

From the same quote:

“But of course, if you’re doing a deep breath or using your wings, you can’t do that in humanoid form.”

Looks more like DH Meta, to me. The Havoc women, I mean.

I read that, thank you.

What I am saying is, if they’re serious about finding ways to make the visage form work in combat, they’re going to naturally come to the realization that they don’t have to keep the player in dragon form to use dragon abilities.

Chromie using shade projections of herself to do the casting exists as a precedent.

Like, instead of having to turn into a dragon to breathe fire, you just have a hologram of your head floating above you (since the visage forms are shorter than dragon forms anyway) that does it for you.

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The wings for sure, but now that I look at it the body might be too :thinking:

Wish we had some video to see how they move. If they are a meta rig that would explain why there’s no armor for them

But if they’re a Worgen it might be possible

I’ll just keep saying it…

The “mortal” form should’ve been any race, basic.

The “Visage” form should’ve been the combat form - any race with draconic touches and customizations like horns, eyes, scales around the head, clawhands, wings.

Travel/flight form should’ve been an entire dragon.

There was never any need to make a weird halfway race with a new dragonkin-like form that they had to work out how to put armor on them when the lore was already 100% set up to have it work like the above.

You are giving Blizzard too much credit I think. For now, I am going to stick with exactly what is being said instead of inferring more than what is being promised.

Sure, that definitely is an idea. However, it is just that: an idea. I believe the limitations come more from the fact Blizzard designed the class animations with the uniqueness of the Evoker in mind. For example, Brian revealed the Devastation specialization has a mechanic called Soar where the Dracthyr Evoker takes the sky to cast while being more mobile. This is not easily replicated with a projection. A better idea for this specific instance would be to have the humanoid visage sprout draconic wings, but I think Blizzard will take the path of least resistance to have the Dracthyr switch their “true” form for the ability.

Quite possible, or a complete version of the player’s Dracthyr form with a spectral overlay. We just know too little for now, and it is safer to assume abilities that were built around the Dracthyr model will force a change from humanoid visage to Dracthyr. Of course, I could always be proven wrong.

Ain’t no damn excuse now to leave us Worgen out of the mix!

I’m not giving them credit for anything until I see it. The only thing they’ve committed to thus far is playing around with the idea of visage forms in combat. If that happens, my money’s on one specific possible implementation.

The alternative would be this weird hybrid form in which some abilities force you into dragon form and others don’t. At certain levels of play this could be incredibly problematic. If, for whatever reason, a player is committed to being in their visage form, the system is effectively disincentivizing them from using their entire dps rotation. As you can imagine, this can be a huge problem if that sort of player joins a pug mythic.

I don’t think we’re going to see the hybrid route. I think the most logical path is for them to realize there are ways to implement dragon-themed abilities without having to literally be a dragon. However, they could just as easily throw their hands up in the air, go screw it and just keep the dracthyr like they have the worgen. i.e. all combat requires dragon form.

All or nothing. That’s how I see it. The weird hybrid model just doesn’t work.

No one is forgetting, you are just a tiny group of people.

If it wasnt a majority with an issue, you can rest assured no extra dev work would be allocated.

I don’t think anybody I’ve seen has asked for “I never want to ever see the Draconic form”. Almost all of the griping (myself included) has been “Why do I need to be in Draconic form to cast the equivalent of Shadowbolt?”

As long as the option is there to spend the bulk of combat time as the Visage, most people aren’t going to care about a momentary transformation to Draconic form.

I have to confess that I don’t even know what my Worgen human form looks like.