Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

“The team is playing with ways to make the Dracthyr’s visage form usable in combat as well outside of using dragon abilities.” -Ion to Buffed

I think this is amazing news, honestly. I really hope they find a good way to do it! I will play this class now, I think.


Yup I mentioned it in my own thread.


And another post…

The Visage is just a poor excuse to not have real armor on the Dracthyr form…
IMHO Visage should not exist


They fulfill the fantasy players have for playing a Warcraft dragon, i.e Wrathion, Alex, Ysera, etc.

Thats what a Warcraft dragon race should do. Everything else is optional


I really don’t know what to make of this. The interview with polygon contradicted this.

According to the interview you linked It seems they will transform you into dracthyr for any ability that requires it if you are in visage. It seems like that would be a lot of abilities and I think that would be jarring but whatever.

in the polygon interview they said visage was only for rp like worgen and would work the same way. Bellular released a video breaking that down.

I don’t think anything is confirmed. they said experimenting


Well, the game director says otherwise, and he’s sort of the supreme authority, this interview is also more recent than the Polygon interview.


But Dracthyr are not dragons…
They are a creation of Neltharion…

And even if, the Visage looks nothing like the real dragon humanoid forms.


That’s splitting hairs, Blizzard said in the announcement event the purpose of the race is to provide playable dragons without having people be 40ft tall, not create dragons without mortal forms.

That’s why the concept was created, and as far as I’m concerned, the more options we have, the more people are happy, the more accessible the new class is (arguably the largest expansion creature) the better.


he said experimenting. I wouldn’t consider it “confirmed.” I would say possible


They could just make it a glyph. Druids have all kinds of glyphs that alter their shapeshift forms.


I’m happy for those of you that want to play in visage form! The more variety, the better!

Though I will say, I also agree that this would be a poor excuse to not give us pure blood Dracthyrs the chance to wear pants :frowning:


I’m for this as well, as long as they still give us the ability to go without any armour or underwear. Just like I’m happy the people who prefer Visage will get that choice.

I just wanna spend all my time as a Dragonkin and show off my scales though. :slight_smile:


It should definitely be a choice, whether its a glyph, or a toggle in your spellbook. Everyone should be happy.


Well, he didnt confirm it, he just said they’re playing with ways to do it. They might not end up doing it. Also this is about inside combat, not outside, so your title is incorrect.

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I think of it as being akin to druid forms.

You bite your tongue! My boyfriends never did anything to you!


Alex and Ysera’s humanoids forms look like elves with horns…the visage forms looks like humans/elves with horns…(and scales) close enough as we’re ever going to get.

In my opinion, the more choices we get the better, everyone should be happy, and considering the evoker class is only available for one race, it should have the maximum appeal possible.


I imagine the scales will be optional, Blizzard was just showing off customization options, not their limits or requirements.

Blizzard said they will have a LOT of customization, which tells me no scales, and elven eyebrows will likely be an option, with lots of varying horn options, too.

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Not confirmed. Here’s the full quote:

Ion Hazzikostas: “It’s something we’re actually working through right now internally. We understand there’s definitely desire to be able to be in your humanoid form in combat in a way that you can’t be as a worgen. But of course, if you’re doing a deep breath or using your wings, you can’t do that in humanoid form. We want to give players as much flexibility there as possible. The dragon form certainly isn’t like a metamorphosis for demon hunters. It is the innate form that the Evoker takes, and all their abilities will be usable in it. But we’re looking to find ways to work humanoid form into combat. But ultimately, we want to let players do what they prefer aesthetically, rather than forcing gameplay based on mechanics.”


I think what they are experimenting with is you stay in your active form accept when it requires dracthyr. Which would be at this time would be

soar. take to the sky and get mobility

the tail strike ability

wing buffet

That flying flame breath ability.

That’s what they have talked about. Seems like it could end up jarring. if they end up doing that then whatever. in the end it’s their choice

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