Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

Really, don’t some people have enough of this junk in game, you do you,No use in arguing the point in this thread,

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Yeah but their head porpotions are similar to tauren with armor sets and they have experience working with disjointed legs.

Dragon stands alone.

It could also be a creative choice for them, for dragons only to have unique armor sets.

I’m all for creative choice.
but that said they also could just let the Dracthyr be its own thing like Mechagnomes.
Just displaying chest, boots, wrists, waist and Helmets.

Dracthyr don’t really need a Visage form :confused:

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Usually how males are sexualized in games.

But to do something about it we would need an expansion just on customization.

Ok so basically should of just made it another elf exclusive class at that point cause like barely anyone is going to use the dragon form if that happens like ever

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The original leak that got the name and most of this stuff right originally said they could look like any race but with horns.

Wish that was still a thing.

But plenty of ppl will play in dragon form, I just wish ppl didnt have such a fixatation on playing boring human looking characters, but sadly that is the norm.


Yeah hoping that eventually they let the Dracthyr visage be any race but until then probably going to keep playing as Vulpera Shaman don’t think I’ll be making a Drakthyr on launch don’t like playing as Elves even if it’s just a visage


Nice! If they can make it work I’d like to see them do it for Worgen as well.


It doesn’t makes them elves. the Visage is entirely optional (hopefully)
They are at foremost draconic humanoids.

Apparently whilst at least dragon riding you’re forced into it so

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Wouldn’t be a bad idea. heh

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I want to play an Au Ra Xaela in WoW.

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can worgen fight in human form?

Let worgens do combat in human form then as well.

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they can start a cast in human form

nope = they should change that too then

worgen doesn’t have the actual downside that their armor is only displayed on the Human form.
Also then you could just play a human :confused:


If they’re really designing the Visage Form to be playable, then there’s a chance it’ll come later as customization. Definitely got basis for that, with Chromie and others.

worgen druids do

that has no correlation at all …?
druids can change back into worgen form that has armor displayed …

Also we are not talking about a class here …
We are talking about the Race of Dracthyr and Worgen.
Both have the same concept but very different solutions …

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