Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

I wanna say this is great news, but why is it so hard to just make some abilities pop the body part into dracthyr form? Kind of like the human to worgen transformation… The hand/arm forms before the body. Can’t we just pop some dragon claws out or have our head turn into a dracthyr head for a brief second? It might look silly, but still a compromise.

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because humans can’t be druids


Imagine playing a dragon race and not wanting to be a dragon. For me I would want to be a dragon the whole time.


People who wanted a dragon race, at least a lot of us wanted Warcraft-style dragons, i.e Nozdormu/Ysera/Alex/Kalec/Wrathion. Its not always about breathtaking new visuals for some people, but fulfilling an RPG fantasy

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If it’s momentary that’s one thing. Having certain abilities transform you only for the duration of the ability itself is a good idea. I just assumed we were talking about abilities that force you out of visage form and then, because abilities like Two Forms can’t be cast in combat, you either have to wait for combat to end or waste a GCD to get back the form you want.

From what they were saying, I’m imagining they’re either going to rework those abilities to fit a smaller transformation of the human body (temporary unfurling of wings, for example) or just in-the-moment transformations with a toggle.

At least, that’d be what I hope for. If they can’t make it work they can’t make it work, but it’s something I hope they’re able to actually fit into its design.


This is what it sounds like Ion was saying, but we will have to wait and see.

I don’t understand this point: if players want to play Demon Hunter without fully becoming a demon, then wouldn’t they follow this same logic? I never say that as a complaint for them, so why would it be here? If the implementation of Dracthyr during combat is to force players into Dracthyr form for certain Evoker abilities, then players who do no like the shifting back and forth between forms will probably play something else or adjust. There are also many toys that change characters’ appearances, so players can use those as well.

It sounds like that is the route Blizzard will go down however based on Ion’s quote. Again, we will have to wait and see if that is the case.

Both of those, as well as many other options are available. We’ll wait and see…

Perhaps for you, but just as many players like the initial implementation and design of Dracthyr there are others that like the shifting. If any one or combination does not work for you, then you don’t have to play it. I personally do not like Dracthyr forced during combat as I don’t like their appearance, so if that is the implementation then I won’t be playing them; simple.

May have gotten a little confused here. If we’re only talking about abilities that turn you into a dragon only for the duration of the ability itself, then you can disregard my entire post.

In my head, I was thinking about abilities that, when used, force you into dragon form and keep you there either because the Two Forms equivalent can’t be used in combat or you have to waste a GCD just to use it.

That’s not a problem with demon hunters because metamorphosis is always temporary and, if you don’t like it being used at all, you can always be a night elf in a different class. Dracthyr don’t have that flexibility. At least at launch, dragons are forced to play the dragon class.

If we’re talking about turning into a dragon to breathe fire, and then changing back once the ability ends, then I don’t think anyone will have a problem with that, no.

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Says the person who needs breasts to tell if a lizard is female


Oh boy are you quick-witted … :man_facepalming:

If you read back I said that how would you identify something like this as female…
Because thin waist and wide hips are not a identifying visual anymore…

But I guess you are a zoologist being able to identify lizards solely based on their body…

Likely said that after they noticed everyone was upset

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It is a little hard to tell exactly what Ion means from the interview, but the way I inferred it was abilities that require the Dracthyr model (like the Devastation channel-like breath attack and Soar mechanic) would transform the player into Dracthyr form and possibly transform the player back to humanoid visage form if used in that form after the ability ends similar to Demon Hunter’s Eye Beam and Fel Devastation abilities.

Indeed, and that is one of my concerns with Dracthyr; I gave a bad example.

Again, that is what I inferred Ion’s quote to mean but it may be different. We just don’t have the necessary information to know.

So much this.

Your point?

So long as it actually is a choice, and not just watering things down for people who prefer to play the race as it is and not be automatically forced into visage form to please others who want to play a Dracthyr without looking like one. Forcing limitations on other players goes both ways.

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My point was lost clearly since you didn’t read the very first part.

thats good, it means they are listening to feedback. I hope that is the case in fact

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You’re pathetic. Something people mentioned they would like being asked for and you’re still crying. Go play another game then.

I can have my opinions and openly say them… Isn’t that right?

It is a fact that Dracthyr and Worgen are using the same race concept both with 2 forms.
The difference is, that Dracthyr are not able to show armor on their body, that is the true form of the Race …

Therefore IMHO the Visage is just a poor excuse for not displaying armor on the Dracthyr.

End of my opinion.