Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

How will they do the flying attack? Unless the visage form also got wings.

It does sound like that would be the plan

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A win for choice!

Now just make sure it’s not a god damn glyph and we can change anywhere at any time!!! Signed, a druid who likes both glyph of stars and moonkin form.


Great! That’s the best route to take I think.

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because not everything has to be a new and shiny model, and some people just want the fantasy of playing a Warcraft dragon.

Its the same reason why void elves were popular, especially after they got their hair/skin updates, not because it was anything new, but because it was a new fantasy in Warcraft lore, a High Elf that was playable among the alliance.

These guys fill the niche of being like Nozdormu, Kalec, Alexstrasza, Wrathion, and Ysera. It’s an RPG thing, a different sort of player than you evidently which is fine.

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Rename the species to Half-Dragons instead of whatever the f*** a DRACK-THEER is, and perhaps people would be less upset.

Also, make them non-elf.

It is said that with every ability that utilizes the unique dragon physique, they transform into the dragon form and back after


Visage Draenei model on horde would have been the dream!


Nothing is “as good as confirmed” until release. Anything is subject to change. Remember LK new dances in trailer? “good as confirmed” aka never happened.


Yup, and this early Blizzard heard our feedback and its already being addressed this early in development, they are brainstorming solutions, I personally read Ions wording as it being a priority.

I think they realized the classes appeal is limited, and maybe the visages are wasted work if they cant be used in combat.

I see it being a priority as it being as good as confirmed, -especially- pre alpha.

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Discussing the idea internally isn’t in combat development for sure. The title of this thread is definitely misleading


playing with ways means in development, not everything in development makes it to release, sure, but given that we’re pre-alpha and this is already a priority, it’s extremely likely to make it to launch.

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I mean, if they get it with Dracthyr (still hate that name tbh) then we might get the same for Worgen too maybe?

Soooo then why not play a Human?


They said it would require dragon form for some attacks.
I’m going to guess like a DH eyebeam going into demon form temporarily.

Maybe some players want to enjoy the fantasy of being a dragon, which includes a humanoid form that can flawlessly blend in with other races, allowing the dragon to walk among mortals, learn of their ways, and keep an eye on their advancements, perhaps even take part in their politics?

how about we just have a toggle on the dragon race?

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I guessmy reply doesn’t show.
I was replying to the post before mine. About Worgen.

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My apologies, although I would argue the same concept holds true to a degree? Even Genn can fight as a human if he chooses. A combat strategy that includes keeping an Ace up the Sleeve sounds like a smart one. Imagine a bunch of enemies attacking a battalion of humans, only for those humans to then transform into Worgen? That’s just perfect ambush tactics.

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What thread is that?

Having multiple threads is fine . I didn’t even see yours, yet I saw this one lol.