Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

Agreed visage was a mistake.


How would Dracthyr know how other races looks like?

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I dont think that will be an issue, its very rare that any specific spec is 100% unviable, let alone two.

With the way Evoker is built, they cant put it on more races, unfortunately.

I meant class but, honestly, more race options for Visage Form WOULD be awesome. They could know what other races look like with some Divination Magic, or maybe have some Bronze Dracthyr observing modern races in the timelines.

yeah, if I had to guess it’ll be closer to Demon Hunters transforming into metamorphosis for a single animation, but we’ll see Blizzards solution. They want to give people the option to play the visage primarily, it seems.


Now if they add a melee spec we can pretend we can be this:
!!!warning!!! - clip from anime-style fighting game, you have been warned.

Ok fine. I wasn’t genuinely trying to lore it into logic anyway. So let’s not do that.

I think visages are a good thing because it is a cool part of dragon lore in warcraft. I think it would have been a real shame to deny that cool thing to player simply because the dragons we can play as are not “real” dragons.

Would be great if they 100% follow through on this.

I just wish they did away with visage and just had proper armor for the dragon


I just wish Dracthyr had shared a same model type like Draenei. It’s super generic that they share another remaked elf model like belf/velf/nelf/nbs and now visage form.


O my…

Very interesting news. Options are always good, so this is nice!

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That’s fine. Options are cool, I plan to be full dragon grill.

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Visage forms i feel make sense. then at first i disliked that they still kept dragon features because you cant blend in with the other races then. though them being a experiment of sorts would mean they arent perfect dragons. I do still think instead of making a new human/elf looking visage. they should just let them be the other races with the dragon features still, though that may be wishful thinking.

From 2007 to 2022, how old is that Blood Elf rig now? Lol

And the Human one is even older.

Tiny indie company, do they make new skeletons anymore?

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Depends. All race models and rigs got updates during WoD, so if we’re going from that then… maybe six years old?

Not sure about a rig upgrade, but I know the visuals did.

Elves still do that slant thing they do, and you can see it on the Dracthyr page.

It’s pretty disappointing to me.

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the rigs arent from that time, they redid them in WoD, look at the animation differences between the TBC blood elf and the WoD blood elf, and the vanilla human and the WoD human.

Yet that is still an 8 year old rig, which is a fine point.

The rigs did get an upgrade, the animations are way smoother and more dynamic, they were 100% redone from the ground up.

I don’t understand, there was all this hype about “playable dragon race” and now that people have it in the works all they want is to NOT play as the dragon race but a human with scales and maybe horns?

Demon Hunters are ----------------> that way.


So long as it’s a toggle and I can be a dragon all of the time, I’m fine with it.

I’ve next to no interest in the visage forms but I’m happy for those that wanted this!