Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

Considering they already have ways (multiple ways) of doing it, and we’re this early in development means that its as good as confirmed, but I’ll change the title


Aye, I only speak up because I want em to be choices. I see a lot of people asking for things to be outright changed (not you, but a lot of others), and they seem to be forgetting there were those of us that loved everything about the default race Blizzard just announced.

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I want to be as specific as possible and not create a promise that does not exist, so unfortunately I have to mention it in all its pedantry. I wish it was confirmed, at it could very well be done, but I don’t want to hype something up that ultimately may not happen.

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But it is not like druid forms.
The draconic body is the true form of the Dracthyr.
The Visage is just an illusion Dracthyr can cast to… I don’t even know why they would need a humanoid illusion…

It is not like they are 40ft tall


I see what you’re saying. Being a game designer myself, albeit not remotely professional yet, if they’re trying to make the form switch back and forth in potentially overlapping situations then it’s almost certainly not going to be done. It would be a visual abomination to have the character rapidly switching back and forth between skins.


If we can use a couple of abilities in Humanoid form while in combat that will be great news :slight_smile:

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The race has to have the maximum appeal, and in an RPG choice is very important. Having this choice would make everyone happy, except the people who celebrating limitations and other people not being catered to besides them.


Considering Ion says its doable, these things likely aren’t an issue.

additionally, the Wing Buffet might not even require it, you could animal spectral wings, or physical dragon wings spawning for a moment (demon hunter style) to create that gust. The tail buffet could do the same thing.

Worgen be like :unamused:


Its probably going to be closer to 80%, with some cooldown/bursts triggering the transformation

Worgen arent a class and arguably the biggest feature of this expansion.

That said I love choice, and I think they should do it for worgen too.

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I mean it’s like druid forms from a gameplay point of view, and in the sense that it won’t show the armor you wear. Of course in the lore it is their true form.

Well, Jaina was dating Kalec for a while…

They were a pretty big deal in Cata and this has been a requested feature for what, a decade? Meanwhile, those that requested it were scolded and made fun of endlessly.

Just saying.

Edit - And they aren’t a class. Evoker is.

I can’t keep up with all these interviews, thank you to you and everyone else posting all this info.

If they enable this from the start, dragon waifu’s will take over WoW for a while at least.


In that article, it said if it uses for example wings then you won’t be in human form

And Kalec is a 40ft dragon, so he would need a humanoid form

Dracthyr on the other hand are not that much bigger than humans

Well, if this change sticks through to release, then that’s good news.

Now all they need to do is add more class options to the Dracthyr. The race will be all kinds of doomed if their one sole class underperforms, after all.

the more people who enjoy this class, the better :slight_smile: this is a great development. Everyone should get the choice to play their dragon form primarily or their visage form primarily. It makes the race more unique and it makes more people happy!

Dragon Waifus or Scaleys for everyone!


80% in Visage form?? :heart_eyes:

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That’s an inherent fail on playable dragons then.

These aren’t dragons. They’re that other weird scaled-elf thing, that claim to be related to dragons.

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