Ion confirms Visage Form in Combat in Development

I don’t to fight in visage form. I want my armor to show in dragon form.


All dragons have a mortal visage to make interacting with the younger races easier. They don’t see it as an illusion or a costume. They see it as themselves, just another part of themselves as true as their dragon form, and get offended when you suggest its just a costume.

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Good. Dragon form is fugly

I get why they have a Visage form. And I don’t want to take it away from them or the players.

I just find it unnecessary, because why would they have the need for it.
They are already humanoid. And it is not like we as a player would be seeing anything draconic for the very first time.

And the worst part is that the Visage form might only be in place to deny Dracthyr the shown Armor.

This is awesome news if it ends up being true! Now that’s an example of “listening to player feedback” IMO. Even if it doesn’t end up working out, it’s heartening to see the effort being made to try and make it happen.

I think if they make Visage as customizable as they claim, it’s kind of a waste to relegate it to just town mog.

Part of my dragon fantasy is using both forms liberally!

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Why would Blizzard design dozens of new hairs, skin tones, scale options, eye colors, horns styles, and more for the visage just to avoid setting up the dragon model to properly equip gear?

That’s a weird theory, and fundamentally makes zero sense.


Definitely do not let it be like Mechagnomes. One of the least played races in the game.


An L for the ladies, but a W for the lgbtq and corporation since it’s halfing development time. Catering to two genders is inconvenient when you can make everyone the same and use half the manufacturing facilities.

After some thought, I’m getting the same vibe. Specially after seeing the crappy customization. It’s just an option to make it closer to the typical male-bulky.

No consistent variations, no additional options, nothing that expresses more typical feminine body shape, nada.

I’m getting more and more disappointed with it.

A W for the ladies who got cheated out of a dragon race on 14. :champagne:

As long as it’s optional and not like demon hunter. I don’t want to have to use the visage form at all if possible.


I will try telling this company once more. Politely and with valid proven points of why the dragon form should not be apart of combat animations. Or to actually identify the class as a class. Not as playing a dragon as they have done.

  • The most popular race of the entirety of this franchise is not a monster. (Quite the opposite) Neither is the most popular Allied race. Demonstrates that “monster” races doesn’t appeal/speak to their audience

  • For the record the Dragon Aspects don’t look like the things we got either when they go in dragon form. They actually look like dragons.
    (Said it before can say it again gently could’ve saved yourself a world of hurt there…)

  • When they showed the preview of the new class. Did it have a warm reception or any reception at all? Did people get super excited about it? (I know there was hype for DHs.) So that should tell you something in itself.

So when we tell you, please try and reconsider. Please maybe listen.

I think they can accommodate most players with not as much effort as they claim. To have the dragon form look more appealing to players that want that actual form. (Which they exist) Lots of great recommendations too.

Also to accommodate the audience that isn’t big into monsters races. Visage combat that doesn’t go into that form.

Players should have the choice. “It wouldn’t look right” No it wouldn’t. I wish you guys would’ve gave me a hero CASTER class not how to play a dragon.(With mostly melee moves I see so far…) Would’ve opened up Evoker to more races too… :expressionless:This is what we got tho and hopefully they will accommodate it to make sense in both forms.


this is literally worgens all over again. the early iterations of the worgen were heavily criticized and ultimately changed

Options are good. This doesn’t need to be a pointless controversy.

I’m pretty upset if they don’t make armor work for dragon forms though. That’s a huge loss.

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I think this would be maximum pointless because humans are already playable.

Weeelll …
that said male BElves and female Humans are too :smiley:

Elves at least have the magic addiction and the fae mythology to go with them. Humans are just… “it’s us, in the fantasy world. Whee.”

I don’t know I wouldn’t like swapping repeatedly back and forth in combat. It would be weird visually and distracting to me. All in or all out.

The only thing that would work in my eyes is one chooses to stay human as a preference that the dragon animations for things like tail swipe, fly over be a separate animation and the human stay static, like for example how cobra shot used to be. (Spectral cobra head)

You people bitxh and moan about anything bro I swear.