Ion - " alts will be better "


That’s because when he says “alts” he means “raid alts” specifically.

I think BfA was equally as bad, it is why I have some alts that are not leveled high enough for that xpac. But I agree, at this point I can’t even imagine leveling up another alt. I thought about it when the 17% rep increase came about but… yuck! so I didn’t.

I didn’t find Legion difficult to level alts at all. Many of my alts were leveled via herbing in Suramar. It was kind of fun and dangerous at the same time… well, up until they decided to make it so that you had to be max lvl to get xp, but that didn’t happen until later in the xpac, and by then invasions came about. Bonus objectives also gave decent amounts of xp (Unlike Shadowlands), and didn’t take all day to do (Unlike Shadowlands).

9.1.5 changed that, so most of them take ~10 min or less

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Hermier in Korthia allows you to buy soul ash, 250 per package but it costs 300 ash :frowning:

However, I’ve found it’s easy enough just to pump layer 9’s on a main character, very fast and a decent chunk of ash, pretty easy to have a high ilvl legendary quickly for alts

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Yeah but are they worth better xp? The xp was terrible when having to kill 100 animals or whatever.

Not for the 7th or 8th time.


I’m pretty sure that they are about the same xp as before, in a fraction of the time. They are also guaranteed 1 renown (if you are doing threads of fate and have already selected a covenant)

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I’ve always said Ion is the worst thing that has happened to this game and that he either has some serious dirt on someone which gives him immunity for doing a terrible job or he’s definitely related to Bobby. He’s way too bad at what he does to be this invulnerable when nobody else is.


I think this community will hate on the big name who they think is in charge regardless of who that happens to be. Ghostcrawler got a lot of flak back in the day also.

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I remember leveling alts through WoD in 15 minutes using Bonus Objectives/treasures and the 300% xp potion. I remember leveling alts through MoP in about an hour using treasures and a few quests. I remember leveling alts through Legion in a couple of hours herbing in Suramar and invasions later in the xpac. It was fun getting them to max level so that I had a diverse group of toons to play during endgame.

The problem is that Blizzard allowed us to do that and then they decided that people would probably buy boosts if they took that stuff away. Sad really.

If you were talking at launch sure. Now it’s an alt paradise.

I think I did my DK level 50-60 in ~6-7 hours in looms. The counterpoint is that while 90-100 was faster in WoD, 1-60 in SL is probably about 1/2 the time of 1-100 in WoD

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Yeah, because like most spoiled children we didn’t realize how good we had it until something much worse came along.

Ion is terrible. Regardless of “always hating a big bad guy” is a thing, don’t discredit the god awful job he’s done not only ruining this game, but dividing it’s playerbase.


I’m not saying that the team is doing a fantastic job. They took the wrong lessons from classic launch for SL, and they were really slow to make changes. But now changes are being made that is pointing the game in a better direction than it was going in before. Not in a perfect direction, but in a better one. They took the wrong lesson from legion to BFA on AP. We didn’t like AP because it was a grind, we liked legion AP because the artifact weapon traits actually made your character play differently, as an example.


I can’t wait for the day when a new game director is announced. I’ve hated this reign of terror so much.

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Ion is supposed to be lead game designer. Don’t you think the person with that title should be playing all aspects of the game. No, all he does is raid, and all he does is play horde. He has no clue at all about alts, pvp, gear bullcrap gap, or alliance.
He took over in Legion (after it was already set in motion) Ever since he took over its been RNG awful, to much grindy crap, No more bonus rolls. Just grind, grind, grind. He wants the game his way and could care less about the player base. The game has gone downhill since he took over as Lead.
He should be removed. Everytime he opens his mouth it is nothing but word salad.


He’s a liar and he’s incompetent. In any other industry he would have been replaced by now


Blizzard: “We implemented a generous amount of catch-up in 9.1.5.”
Players: “Why aren’t all of my alts instantly 80 with all 4 covenants???”


to be nicer it is time for at least base line conduits a vendor sale.

Its the conduits that suck. Buy the 40 renown, tof to at least 50 something…and now you have a soul bind with 3 conduits from quest. So the tree is empty here really.

Not asking max level conduits. trash 158(?, forget baseline) would be nice off vendor. As if the Wq’s have nothing but doubles or out of spec ones…its wiat 24 hours. callings iffy as hell.

and if like 2 recent alts made…they by and large pvp grind. I get lucky on the pops…leaves little time for pve in my play time allotted.

And for the first week or so…your first 1250 conquest is spoken for. that goes to trinkets as I see it. 525 mandatory cc breaker (shortener for humans) then the 725 secondary for vers boost off set. So not even buying the pvp conduits for like a week at least.

and I’d ahve most of these more serious arena stuff. I do casual pvp. so I like a more generic setup. to be of use for mandatory runs in dungeon/lfr.