Ion - " alts will be better "

from Imgflip Meme Generator


This might actually be where WoW is failing for me. Shadowlands wasn’t much of a journey, it was more like an expedition that took us straight into the endgame of dungeons and torghast. There wasn’t much more to discover with how the rest of the expansion was designed and that was a bummer. What journey is really there to experience on another character within the shadowlands? All the steps we take to progress in the new expansion feels the exact same as a character I’ve been grinding on for months in that expansion. Nothing feels different?

I play on new characters in this game because that is where I have the most fun normally and once again… I get to max level and my journey feels like it screeches to halt.

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Pretty much this.

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My warrior hit 60 today.

I am 212 with 73 renown and the conduits i need (albeit they could be higher)

I need an offhand weapon which ill buy with stygia wheb i can farm it.

I hit 60 this am. Idk what issues youre having


Making an alt this expansion was unbelievably frustrating.

From being forced to do the Maw intro, to doing the covenant campaign (God forbid your alt had the same covenant as your main), having to do Torghast, having to farm the Maw and Korthia for rep to get sockets and conduits to being weeks (like a month) behind in the embers for your domination sockets.

Well and truly the worst alt expansion ever made.


Nah. even with all my gripes about BFA…it was nice to alts. Log in, see the wq’s…go hammer the ones with +5 or +10 gears. Essences and corruption weren’t vital. SL…korthia as fresh 60 sub 210 ilevel is not fun. Pray you get a surge of people to tag on their kill team parties really.

Sl…spam tons of stuff for renown (the 500g for 40 is nice…still have iron out the rest), see by the time the WQ rewards don’t suck you are over the ilevel already . and the calling rewards are RNG box setup.

Will the calling reward have something? we don’t know. Had a few alts I 60’d last week get some gold from this. and…that’s about it. No useful items, no conduits…nothing but vendor gold items.

There is more to alt friendliness than gear but if you want to use gear

That would be 238 ilvl now

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Callings suck, for me, because WQs suck.

I miss the days where you ran some dungeons, did some random PvP joined a wintergrasp/Tol Barad/Ashran and had my raid nights.

Then if you wanted you could easily level up an alt, run it through some dungeons to get a bit geared and join your raids alts night.

Conduit system, renown, anima, soul ash, korthia research. <— None of that was needed.

Renown for rewards? Perhaps have the rewards through story quests and rep vendor?

Conduits? Things that will be removed next expac. Why not focus on class balance and leave the power gain to gearing up?

Soul Ash? I dunno, perhaps add actual legendary gear through some epic quest line or raid drop? As it is now they are just gear crafted/bought and a currency to grind. Gear with talent perks for the expac.

Korthia research? Yes, because we showed how much we loved Artifact Power, Azerite Power and then Anima. Lets add another currency grind.


I dunno…alts weren’t too fun to play either in BfA.

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Many players don’t have alts, so that little fact means your point has zero merit.

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Plus the korthia skip…doesn’t skip this intro. I got 2 60’s I haven’t done this bit yet. No desire really lol. Go kill 3 big dudes, bunch of animals for anima? Nah…

They really should have skipped this bit too. Let me jsut start this up right now right now. The words of wisdom from the 5 data accesses…I know them. lets skip this.

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To be honest, I don’t think is as bad as the old days. It takes forever to level a toon in vanilla. Pandaria alts were painful. WOD was the absolute worst in the way that pathfinder was implemented. All those hoops made everyone I know quit back then. No respect for player time. Shadowland is also terrible for alts since they all need conduits and renown. I have 4 60s and have zero desire to level more. BfA was much better for alts. Legion was much better only because it was more interesting and fun, the grind was terrible until the end of the expansion.

But I do agree that Shadowlands is terrible for alts. Getting to max is easy, but the grind is terrible. The gear that drops from the mission tables should be account bound as well. I realize we can buy renown to 40 after hitting 80, but my alts were already about 30 and my main still is not 80. It really is not thought out well. If a toon is exalted, they should be able to buy exalted status on alts if they want.

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Ion only cares about revenue

he’ll say anything except be transparent about monetization

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Maybe we heard it wrong.

Maybe Ion said “alts will be butter.”



I would like to remind all of you that the library is closing within the next ten minutes. Please return any book that you have checked out and do not access the card catalogue. Thank you for your understanding.

you think you do but you don’t want alts


Ion is the guy who started a thread during Legion on the topic, “We don’t understand how and why people play alts. Help us understand.” That thread went 1200 responses. He never returned to it.

He still doesn’t understand how and why people play the game. Even the raid loggers like himself who he designed it for are unhappy. And even Ion no longer plays.


Say what? Theres a way to send ash?


Vendor in Korthia, unlocks account wide after you do chapter 3 of Korthia campaign. sells a BoA satchel of 250 ash for 300 ash

EDIT: it’s bone smith from Maldraxxus, you also need to clear a layer 9 torghast on at least 1 toon

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