IOC Horde boss killed waaaay too fast

Yeah, really it’s very simple - all Horde has to do is defend their base, hold Workshop, hold Docks, hold Hanger, and mount a successful offence. Without ever relenting on defence, since Alliance only need to get a single Glaive inside and there’s enough time to do that if Horde go all in on the Alliance base.

I honestly can’t work out why we don’t win IoC more, as it stands.

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If demos can no longer hit the boss (and if they can, that means the Horde can do it too), the only node of concern is Docks. I can take out glaives on my freshly dinged mage before Ice Block finishes its full duration. Glaives respawn every 10 minutes, at which point the game should be over. It takes one player out of 40 to make a difference.

AGAIN, this sucks and shouldn’t be happening but there are counters if you want to remove the problem until it gets fixed.

there is a physical difference between the two keeps. The Horde keep goes back then forward with the boss right against the wall that faces the courtyard which allies can more easily spread out their vehicles and go to town.

The Ally keep has a narrow entrance that goes further back with a low ceiling making it difficult to shoot through and I have yet to see an IOC where the Horde has done so in order to down the boss quickly. Every time (which ain’t much considering that place) we took down the boss it took ages even when we could use bombs.

At any rate, they could absolutely do the same thing. There were screenshots posted of the Alliance boss taking damage from demolishers.

Hardly can they do the same thing given the difference in architecture of the keeps and I have yet to see this or hear anyone suggest it as a tactic. Far more people on the Horde are aware of the exploit being used by the Ally and repeatedly.

it really doesn’t take an army to prevent it from happening by destroying the offending siege vehicles.

Actually it kind of does as turrets can be easily neutralized and demos can wreck havoc on players in 2-3 shots. Meanwhile they’ll usually have an escort of players killing or simply CCing players as their vehicles wail into the wall where the Horde boss is already standing unlike the situation in the Ally Keep. Plus many times the Horde is busy trying to take down the boss the old fashion way and don’t have enough to spare to stop the vehicles from killing our boss in seconds after our gate goes down.

This is what is really annoying - we knock down the gate, start on the boss getting him to around 50% when our gate goes down and the Ally win before we get the boss down another 20%.

At the end of the day, walls should act as walls and block out the damage of vehicles (especially on the boss) from the outside and not give either team an unfair advantage.

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I am well aware of this. I did say it required more effort for the Horde to achieve. Unless you are in every single Isle game, whether you have seen it or not isn’t a compelling argument - you have said in this thread that there are still Horde characters that aren’t or weren’t aware of the Alliance one either. I found the thread with the screengrab, the link was here: imgur[.]com/a/sZwStPG

The bosses do not require a whole team to kill them, never have, never will. There should be players spare doing other things to slow down the enemy team, which includes taking down vehicles before they break down the walls.

Also the last time I saw this happening, Alliance had to shoot through the floor, not the walls. Horde had to shoot the wall, but positioning was the same (have to park vehicles in entrance and shoot up). IF the problem is glaives only, they are wet tissues and can be taken down solo even if there is a defense.


At this point you are just splitting hairs. I doubt the Horde ever downed a boss in seconds given the physical constraints of the Ally Keep but this is exactly what has happened repeatedly to the Horde. And look around, far more horde players are complaining about this exploit on forum and in game than ally players.

Hell, even in your scenario of stacking vehicles at the Ally Keep it makes it easier for the Allies to hit and cc all the vehicles at once unlike the situation in the Horde Keep where they can spread out.

And try to understand I’m not being hyperbolic when I say seconds. I have been in numerous losing IOCs when this exploit was used and from the time of the gate going down to the BG ending was 10-30 seconds. There was literally no time to react once the gate went down as it was over so quickly. I know because I’ve tried such as the first time I noticed the exploit when I tried getting from the turret to the boss room and the game was over before I made it half way from tower to keep.

As Quyelde stated the only way Horde can win is to hold practically everything and slowly mount an offense then hope the Allies don’t snag mid or docks while we’re on the boss.

At any rate, we are both on the same side - the fact bosses can be killed with siege vehicles is bad and it needs to be fixed.

The only thing we disagree on is the ability to counter:

The time to counter isn’t once the gate goes down, it’s the entire game before hand. Kill glaives. Problem goes away. None of this “Horde needs to control every node” stuff.

I have yet to be in a single IoC where we the Horde have used vehicles for anything but taking out the gate, cannons, and players. I have seen them fire into the Alliance keep, but I did not see the HP bar for their General move correspondingly.

I’ll tell you what: when I see even 25% of IoC exploit General kills by Horde, I’ll accept it might be, if not fair, then not horrendously unbalanced. But I’ve yet to see it even once!

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Happened with me again last night at IOC … we started working on their general , got him down to 20 percent before the alliance got to ours and it was over in 30 secs . Next time I get IOC , I am just gonna leave . Why waste time .


30 seconds? Wow, their glaive driver must have awful aim :smiley:

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Kill the glaives and watch us panic and crumble :stuck_out_tongue:
edit I do support fixing the bug though

Alliance cheating to win? What’s new?

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As awful as this bug is (and don’t think for a second I actually “like it” lol), I’ve managed to find some fun with it as Horde.

It’s added a real “cloak and dagger” angle to the game. “Will the enemy sneak in the superweapon?”

I’ve really spent a lot of time near docks messing with the defenders or keeping an eye out for the glaives. Working to undermine their ability to deploy their WMD. It’s like real spy stuff.

It’s the glaives now ?!?

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Glaives always damaged the boss. They hotfixed demos sieges and bombs but missed glaives.


They will never admit to it.


Just seen agmar get glaive salvo 'd from like 50% to 0% in 2 seconds, it still happens.

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Well yea, I said they missed the glaives in the hotfix…

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just surprised it still isn’t fixed,
battle pet gets nerfed / accidentally turns into a ugly cat instead of a pretty cat and its fixed right away.
IoC is broken still : /

hey what about where the alliance can defuse bombs in their keep from the other side of the gate.

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it showed up on reddit so it got attention.