IOC Horde boss killed waaaay too fast

The point is which has been repeatedly brought up is that both sides can’t (or couldn’t) do it hence being an unfair exploit.

Blade salvo (that’s the rapid fire of the small glaives) from the glaives will destroy the Horde Boss in seconds. Luckily glaives are fragile. If you see a glaive approaching the courtyard go HAM, don’t let it get into the courtyard.

Not to cut you short, but the hotfix notes state bombs don’t work on the boss. Is this not the case? I’m not at all stating clipping through walls in PVP is ok, I suppose they could be used on players attacking the boss.

Both sides could do it. Horde just had to tank the boss along the wall closest to outside.

Supposedly this was hotflxed as of yesterday.

…and the SHGY change is moronic at best.

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It’s moot point now but no they couldn’t simply by the design of the ally building. The boss’s room is to the back whereas the Horde’s is to the front. Even if pulled to the other wall, the vehicles couldn’t hit that wall whereas you could have multiple demos and especially glaives hitting that wall outside in the Horde courtyard.

As I said, it’s moot now. AV now though…

Still happening :frowning:


Yeah saw it 3 times in a row. It’s so cheaty.


I guess someone didn’t get their Xmas bonus and forgot to actually patch it lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or they were in the midst of coding it and got their severance.


still happening, and should be considered an exploit.

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Yep, just got told we were wasting our time taking bombs as that had been patched already.
When I told them that amazingly, bombs still do damage, they proceeded to have a mental breakdown because “It was in the patch notes”.

I dare bliz to go into a few of these games and see what we are talking about.

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I tested bombs, it didn’t seem to do anything. There are two kinds of bombs (outside keep and workshop bombs) so maybe it’s only one or the other that still works.

Either way bombs are still useful to bring because they kill defenders that come in. Handy to have some in your group if a defense zerg rushes in.

15 people rush in to cause problems, have a couple people drop bombs - problem handled.

I love how alliance just make crap up to “try” and make it seems ok and make all sorts of excuses when it’s a bad… very bad… bug in the game and the matchs would be very different every time if it wasn’t so bad…


yeah and you can see it here and other threads where they act “surprised” or say horde can do the same when the design of the ally keep completely prevents that. Even if you could, only one vehicle could fire through the narrow entrance whereas the ally can park half a dozen vehicles outside the Horde keep and fire away.

I’ve noticed when the Horde wins it’s when we hold mid and docks or at least we killed glaives so they couldn’t get to the boss.

On another note I’ve noticed in general walls are very weak to siege damage. I was running up a turret and getting damage through the wall from demo fire. What is the point of a wall if it doesn’t block damage?

And it’s still being exploited. Just went in a few minutes ago and within seconds of our gate coming down, horde boss was down. They had a glaive shooting at the wall.

Some of the players were confused and thought it was a glitch that the allies hadn’t killed the boss and they just somehow were given the win. It shows that not everyone is aware of this but they are certainly aware that an IOC boss shouldn’t die so soon after the gates go down.

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Hurrah - two IoCs tonight in a row, both with our General killed so ultra exploited fast that there is not even time for the HP reduction to register on Capping bars.

WTF is the point any more?!?!?

You went very quickly from “Horde can’t do it” to “BUT if they could only one vehicle can do it due to terrain design” - vehicles don’t apply collision and you can park more than one on top of each other…

At any rate, they could absolutely do the same thing. There were screenshots posted of the Alliance boss taking damage from demolishers.

I’m not sure they can any more since the hotfix (but given it is still happening, who knows?) and it was absolutely harder for them to accomplish than for the Alliance.

It sucks and takes away the fun of the battleground and should absolutely be fixed (again), but if there are so many players that are aware of it, it really doesn’t take an army to prevent it from happening by destroying the offending siege vehicles. Not an excuse, but it is a workaround until that blessed moment.