IO Score good bad and why?


All the pro io people are saying is the people who don’t have time to gain experience can’t play that part of the game with them.

In short, if you’ve never done dungeon x at difficulty near y, I don’t want you in my group. Go learn in your own key.


I’m an elitist for liking something you don’t? Okay bud.

god i love fanning flames :slight_smile:

IO is good, but I do think it’s silly people use it for anything below a 10.

IO is great and the best part is your IO score can never decrease: only remain the same or increase.

Yes, you need to run different dungeons and get your “high score” on them, probably with a higher item level than a pug would invite you to, but it’s worth it in the long run!

No one is good at m+ and has a low score. It’s not possible, because you get score from running the dungeons, and no matter how “good at your class” you are, if you don’t know how the pulls or the affixes you’re useless in an m+, and the only way to get that knowledge is to run the dungeons, which gives you the score.

Also, everyone is “good at their class”. That’s a measure so subjective as to be meaningless. If you haven’t done the content, memorizing your keybinds does nothing for you or the group.

There’s no such thing as a “bad test taker”. You either know the material or you don’t; and every single IO hate thread boils down to wanting to be carried beyond your experience. All IO does is put your experience out there for other people to see, and you can’t lie about it.

It’s no more evil than the inspect function.

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That is because the complainers are always complaining about the same things over and over so why would the answers change?

That is because I my certain parts are relevant or need correcting so why do what I am here and replying every part.

I think I understand exactly. You (and others with the same opinion) don’t k ow how much you don’t k ow about keys. You think because you are capable on your class you will be good at big keys. This is not the case. You need to learn the dungeons to have a chance at timing 20s (season 3 because Idk how s4 scales yet).
For example. Atal dazar. What are the two main ways to deal with Rezans 2 main mechanics. This is super basic and anyone who knows anything about the dungeon would know it. Not knowing it though would spawn adds and lead to wasted time running from his pursuit.
I could write a 20 question quiz on just ad alone that I would expect 2k io people to ace.

Sure the system is not perfect but it is the best we have had. I am more than open to listening to suggestions though and having a discussion about that.

Then why don’t you evolve your complaints based on what they say at all? To be clear here I am not saying your opinion should change but you could atleast change angles pm how you approach something if you already have done it that way before.

I would call it necessary and not evil if you want to pug high m+. For the reasons I explained earlier.

There I replied to every word you said.

IO is trash. Applying for a dugeon feels like applying for a job, worse is when you get denied by a Ragnaros with 300 IO that somehow got an M10 key.

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This is a guy who bought a +10 clear, and now wants a carry.

Avoid these run as they tend to go south.

If you dont like the io pug system, join a static, or get in a guild that runs m+.

Make internet friends and run with them, no more pug problems.

Bonus to playing with the same people is you learn to adapt to each others playstyle and make it work, this is an issue with pugs, 5 different paths, 5 different ideas of how it should be done.

I don’t even want to begin to read the ops word vomit. Please take English 101

IO scoring is just another bad system for rating performance.

Spend enough gold and you can cheese the hell out of it. Then people see a big number and think “They know what they are doing”.

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I mean… anything can be cheesed with enough gold… By that logic there is no metric to be used to gauge performance. All IO is, is a tool. It has its faults and it can be misused, but its better than nothing at all.

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They have stated in one of the Q&As that they want to implement it into the game. I mean they also changed the way their leaderboards worked so Raider IO can access more data

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I was 1800 io last season and I am still getting denied from 10s. There are a ton of people looking for carries this early in the season. Same thing happened last season. I avoid any groups where the GL doesn’t have a decent score

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Most pugs will be people looking for carry.

This is why I saw join an m+ community/discord/guild.

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I just timed a key. No idea what anyone’s io was in he group including my own. They were guildies. Almost like an Mmo is better enjoyed with other people.


It’s still just a tool, that information can be found on your characters armory iirc. So it takes the steps out of it

Bad. It further contributes to the game being reduced to spreadsheet calculations.

This is a good system. I’m tired of people failing in the second to last boss in shrine of the storm because they don’t know how the MC mechanic works or how to properly skip mobs in mythic +.

It weeds out the new players and those who know what they are doing.

No matter how you look at this in a difficult week I’m not bringing a newer player to a 9 key or a 12 key when they don’t even know basic mechanics let alone the weeks afflictions.

People who cry about raider IO are bad players or just flat out lazy who refuse to put in work.

You get your own key to make groups with and you can use your OWN key to build a decent score 7 across the board or 8s is a good score to have but to sum its a lot of work and they rather just be lazy af.


it filters out the bad players like me so good?