IO is just putting more power into /inspect. That’s literally all it is.
Anyone that doesn’t like IO just wants to be able to lie to people. There’s no other argument against it.
IO is just putting more power into /inspect. That’s literally all it is.
Anyone that doesn’t like IO just wants to be able to lie to people. There’s no other argument against it.
For me it’s much more of the fact that most runs done these days are people buying runs which is bad for a game design as a consumer but it impacts real life geopolitics as people buy under blizzard rate gold illegally to support a competing superpower.
It is bad and no better then gearscore. Just because you timed all 10s, 15s, etc. does not mean your any good. You can be carried or you are the current FoTM.
That’s why it shows your history. If I go to get a guy who’s only ever done each dungeon once, he was likely a paid or carried person. If I see they’ve done 10 or more of whatever dungeon I’m doing, and most of them are timed, then I know it’s a pretty safe bet.
No one just looks at the number. That would be about as useful as judging based on transmog. Literally a non-issue, a straw man in this argument.
I am usually one of those people who only do the dungeon once. I only do the dungeon to get the reward from the chest at the end of the week. I mainly just pvp and do the forced pvp to keep up. I dont know why you think they paid or were carried. How does that make sense?
They should just integrate io into the game honestly. That way everyone can see everyone’s score. No addon etc required
If you do one dungeon every week, and you’re successful, then your score will climb, you’ll be about on par with the other people who do the same. Working as intended.
And the people who do several every day and consistently push to higher keys will have more history and higher IO, on average. They will group with people more of that mindset.
IO keeps these two groups from intersecting, which is a good thing. They have different goals, so they should be kept separate. IO lets people in the “once a week” group know that JonnyMythic is a try hard who will drop as soon as the key looks blown, and it lets “Mythic Twilight Dungeon Team Edward” know that BorisCasual is unlikely to have a lot of practice with the Method dungeon route and required low-percentage skip.
Late reply, but Raider IO does use blizzards weekly leaderboard for mythic keystones to get the information. All IO does is collects that data and presents it in a simple and easy way. You could easily go through the characters armory and see what their highest keys are, but that time consuming.
Blizzard extended the leaderboards to show the top 500 runs from 100 so IO can get a more accurate reading for you.
In time blizzard may bring in their own version of it, like they have done with Questhelper. So who knows.
Yeah, i kinda blame it on the visions requiring a dps spec though and offspec unfriendly azerites.
Previously before there was a good balance of say, 4-6 M+ dps applicants to a tank and healer, but now after the visions the ratio is more like 18+ dps applicants before you see a single tank or healer. It’s entirely possible to have no success joining any groups as a applicant only to host a key and get 20 dps applicants before you get your first healer or tank. Everything from 300 io fresh toons applying to a +12 to vastly overqualified S3 ios to fully decked out 467 ilvl people looking for a slot. It gets crazy.
Seriously for the sake of ques they need to put something so healers and tanks can do good solo visions cause otherwise this 18:1 dps to tank ratio is really bs. There’s like 20-30 groups on the pug finder filled with all 3 dps and not a single tank or healer for rows and rows.
I run with a guild that clears heroic ans does 3/4 of mythic raids every patch. They also run +15’s early in the season. I perform well in those keys but dont run enough of them.
I have done a 14 this week + multiple 12’s and keep getting knocked back for 10’s of the same dungeons…
IO was a good metric until people starting selling runs.
Now even that’s starting to mean precious little.
That’s statistically going to happen. Hi list a key and see how many people apply. Some will miss out regardless of how good they are. You can only invite 4
You are massively overestimating the degree to which it happens compared to the play pool as a whole.
Idk man. I guess a 460 Fury war applies for your 10 when you still need 3 dps, how many ppl with 460+ ilvl you beating off with a stick?
They are fine, IO score has always existed in this game in some form or another just under a different name every since the game started. Players will always look for a way to quantify a players skill. This time around its just raider IO.
I’m not online arm but if you are you could list a key a find out.
Plenty of ppl are 460 though. Maybe they don’t want plate to maximise loot trading idk. Maybe they just don’t want to invite people with the letter r in their names. Idk. Plenty of reasons other than io snobbery to turn ppl down.
It was a little higher of a key but last night I turned down pages of them when a guildy came instead. Would have been at least 20.
20 or more