IO Score good bad and why?

That community exists. But the problem that lies with this mentality is that you view carrying people like yourself as “helping the community and interacting with each other”.

If you want help, you want to improve or interact with the community, there’s plenty of channels inside and outside the game for that. You got class discords, guilds, PuG discords (for either M+ or raids), official and unofficial forums, and so on.

But the community as a whole has never been altruistic enough to carry a random stranger because someday down the line you might be good enough to in turn help them with whatever they need.

They’ve always set standards for PuG’s. IO is simply the newest and most refined of these standards.

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There are groups that take people. I recently leveled a new character, I didn’t tie it to my main on IO, and I didn’t advertise my mains IO, (because I wanted to see how long it would take me to get into a +10 group with the evil IO rooster blocking me).

So my route: it was an alt, so I got the PvP gear off the AH, and a set of 385/400 benthic pieces. I really hate doing dailies, so I couldn’t max out the gear, but it was better than questing greens.

I spammed heroics for about 4 hours, then moved on to mythic 0. Once I got a keystone, I made a group for “low-key low keys” and rode my keystone up and down for a little while, trying to get mostly leather wearers (cuz rogue, yeah I was a dps).

Once I was about 420 item level, I enchanted and gemmed the gear that I had, put a mog together (I love my rogues mog) and started trying to pug a 10. It took me about 45 minutes to get into a group, we cleared (but didn’t time) the dungeon, so I wasn’t satisfied. I pushed my key (now judging IO and leading the group) to get it up to 10, then began my own group.

Nailed it. Roughly ~10 hours/ played after hitting max level, I pugged my first timed +10 on a new character.

Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, but I set out to prove a point and I did. Play with skill, and you’ll get there. Groups I played with were very likely to keep going because I’m an awesome guy to play with, I’m pretty good at interrupts and I occasionally manage good dps. In that order.


And this ^ ladies and gentlemen is how you start doing keys. It’s what pretty much everyone who regularly does higher keys did at some point.


are you serious? is google not a thing for casual players?
also you dont even need to know how it works for it be effective. you do a key you get a score. you do a bigger key you get a bigger score. very hard stuff i know

i came back to this after ignoring the fires of hate i started and all i saw reading though this after coming back is io lovers trying to make their system look better saying git gud and its possible just work hard while the (io lovers term) io haters tryed to explain that not everyone has 3 hours a day each day to grind those keys before the next week or month happens when io shows you havent done anything to the extent wanted by those who want (again io lovers words) smooth run those smooth runs could be done by those people that que for your groups and you say but blank hasen done enough mythics this month must have no skill guess we will ignore that 1 and decline it… so i could in theory be number 1 mythic + dk and be on a alt dk hide my io score and even tho i have skill or what not be declined because i dont have score or am hiding it the skill level shouldent be as linked to how many mythics you run when some people dont have the time to run as many as others so your what you io haters say is git gud run more grind your way up but some people dont have time for that grind you speak of and if thats the case your telling those people they cant play that part of the game cuz they have a wife child or job but have the skill to do it but dont play enough seems redic

You obviously didnt take a punctuation class in the time since posting.


sorry hard to use punctuation when typeing that and playing classic wow grindfest.

It just makes it really hard to read and follow when its one giant run on sentence/paragraph.

When I do try to read it, it mostly looks like you don’t really understand the IO system.


If your really bugged about it i will gladly go through every post iv ever made and fix punctuation for 1000 gold on my main classic realm?

What if you just spend 5 mins learning what the IO system is instead?

You can link alt accounts to mains, so that your main IO score shows for any alts.

IO isn’t about grinding a ton of m+. You can do 1 m+ a day and get a great score.

Having a wife…child…job has nothing to do with getting a high score.

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I just realized this was one long giant paragraph and I am not going to even give the OP the time of day to explain why I think raider IO is good.

Hard to know where to break this up without sentences but I will try.

Seasons last about 6 months. Not weeks so let’s get the basic right.

Your right. You could be. You could also be terrible. Either way I’m guessing. I dont know. What I would know if I looked you up on io is what experience you have.

Ever notice how successful athletes practice a lot? The correlation between practising something and being good at it is pretty strong.

Not at all. I’m saying I am unlikely to invite them to my group. Lots of options of what they can do if they want to do m+ and get declined from my group. Let’s list some.
Apply to another group
Make their own group
Play with friends
Play with guildies.
Use a m+ discord
Whine on the forums.

5/6 of those are good things to do. Unfortunately you chose option 6


I have noticed a very distinct pattern among io lovers that seems to play to the same tune every time.
That is where they read through pick apart and then come up with reasons or options for others never try to understand.
They dont try to say ya its super screwy at times and its sucks for players who have skill and gear but not io up to par with their skill.
No its make your own group get guildies get friends or apply for 100 groups in hope 1 doesent use io.
Do you see the problem?
Because i know you likely do and ignore it for the pride you have in a system that is very clearly flawed!

Edit: Yes i know some have said its flawed and understand to a extent but they normally follow it up with the same options in the end most the time.
And those who don’t normally call it something like a necessary evil to play that high mythic +.

It’s annoying when you miss a season and get declined from easy keys because people only go off the current/last ones, but in the long term it’s not really a big deal.

I’ll take IO over gear score any day.

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Its not perfect, but like wuzeh said, its way better than the trash gearscore was or going by lvl alone when making choices.


My gripe with IO score is pugs instantly leaving on wipe to preserve their IO score. This is wack.

I don’t see the problem in wanting your teammates to have a similar level of experience than yourself. That’s a reasonable expectation when trying to tackle higher-level keys and flawed or not, IO is the only tool people have to measure that experience.

So, it’s understandable that you’ll get called out as entitled for demanding a place in groups with people that have put in the work to build their scores from the ground up. So, you MIGHT have experience? idk… you MIGHT be as skilled as the higher IO players? idk… all that I can infer at first glance is that you are lazier.

IO is one method to prove you have experience. If people choose not to use it but have experience, unfortunately they’re taking a risk, especially pugging.

If you use it and have experience, then chances are you’ll have more success in getting in a group.

This IO crap is common sense. Why people cry about it is beyond my understanding.

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It doesn’t work like that. If you fail a key, it doesn’t detract from your current score. You still get points for the failed key, just not as much as you would for a timed key. In fact, I have three failed keys for this season so far, yet I still have almost a 300 io score because all three of them gave me roughly 100 points each.

Those people that leave after a few wipes, they’re likely leaving because whoever set the group up didn’t properly communicate their goals. I’ve never had someone leave a key because of wipes when I list my group as “chill group, no stress allowed, just want completion”.

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It boils down to people being entitled. They get defensive when they are told to run them with friends or guildies, which is the best way to run them anyways just on the basis of being able to communicate in a more efficient way.

So let’s say you have awful social skills and can’t be bothered to join a guild or make friends (in an MMO nonetheless), so your next best option is to build a score from the ground up, yeah it takes time, but you’re earning it, but again, they cannot be bothered to put in the work like the others have. It’s like talking to actual children.