IO Score good bad and why?

That’s why I said it correlates to skill. It’s not a direct and proportional relationship.

Like you said, there’s odds and %'s involved.

About your 2nd point you have to slowly build your score up, doing a big leap won’t get you invited

Blizz has implemented it. It’s in the main website all runs are recorded onto leaderboard for all to see.

All this website does is take the information from those leaderboards and sort it in a easy to see format

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yes and no yes bliz gives out the info needed but if we are speaking about the score itself i do believe that the creator of io created the way its scored and what adds to that score and how much meaning that they took blizzards system and reworked it in sense and in the end only thing that blizz originaly made was the avalible keys levels and times in other words blizz gave the numbers raider io is the one that cookedem

Think of it like a pack of mobs, There could be like 7 mobs standing there but only one is an elite. But that doesn’t matter cause that single one will agro the entire pack and train it down on you.

I guess what I’m saying is that your all murloc’s! :stuck_out_tongue:

(gimme a non-sensical post and I shall give a non-sensical answer)

if only i wish i could be a murloc as playable race

It’s ok to not like certain content, but to label everyone who likes it a certain way makes that label meaningless.

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Did I imply that everyone was a elitist? No I did not.
Did I imply that elitists exist among the mass players that are in Mythic Plus? Why yes sir I did.

Your brain inserted the word “everyone” and I think that may be a problem with your core processer.

Why isn’t it in the game?

That is easy - for the same reason you can hit 120 Today and with a little effort be 400 ilvl by the end of the night.

This game is now made for casual play. If they actually made you work for things the majority of people would revolt.

The # of players who actually do Mythic raiding and M 12+ dungeons is relatively small (my guess is 2-5%). In the guild I am in, we have around 300 active players, of those 300 around 15-20 actually do anything beyond a 10, and those beyond 12-13 are around 10 or less.

Now, having said that RIO does pose a problem as well…

If you have no RIO score you are sunk unless you find a guild group or luck out at off hours for runs. Even at that most LFD Groups are posted by folks who want to be carried to some extent. So when you know you can do that 8 or 10 but they have somebody with a 1.5k+ score who is doing 13’s all day long, what benefit do you provide for them?

At the end of the day Blizzard created this entire problem themselves. You can thank ILVL for starting the hate train. Before that it was standing in IF or ORG waiting to be inspected for groups…

You will never eliminate that. As has been stated so many times before…

Find a group of people who at your your level , friend them, and work up.

There isn’t any real correlation either. It’s really unrelated. Heres a simple example why a correlation cant be drawn.

Lets say you have 2 people who only do 10’s. A person with 300 timed keys and 20 fails as far as IO Score is concerned is the same “skill” as someone with 300 time keys and 3000 fails. There’s no correlation for the function most people use it for, the score.

Like I said, players use the score as an MMR number but the system itself behaves nothing like traditional MMR.

You implied that anyone who would defend m+ is an elitist. I just took the logical step of anyone who enjoys m+ would defend m+. Meaning your statement also implies that anyone who enjoys m+ is elitist.

It’s obvious you enjoy mythic plus then. To follow me along 3 posts on a implied meaning denotes the exact insanity I am attempting to caution people into avoiding.

Ok good sir, I am a bad guy…see my horns I’m evil… You win, I have no clue what I am talking about and I am a bad and shameful person who imply’s evil things. I should be ashamed of myself.

I’m gonna continue to avoid Mythic plus and eat ice cream in the corner. Enjoy your win.

When did i ever say that? I said i was tired of people making words meaningless. “Elitist” has come to be used as “this person disagrees with me” as opposed to what it actually means, “this person thinks they’re better than everyone”.


That’s true - but you likely won’t have the latter case very often at the 900+ scores.

So when you see someone with a 900+ score, your odds that the person is familiar with M+ mechanics and will contribute towards a timed run rather than a failed one is higher than someone with a lower score. Is it a “for sure”? No; but the odds are greater.

The addon and website also give you a lot more information to make your evaluate the “odds” much better than just a number - and this is the great thing about io that people miss; it’s NOT just a number, even though the uneducated feel like it is.

When the majority of people misuse a system, the intent or additional uses of a system become irrelevant. If the IO didn’t show your score in-game and required you to go the website and dig through the other information then that would make a better argument for IO because the group makers are at least guranteed seeing the additional information but unless your pushing those high keys that you should really have a premade anyway, little people are doing that. They see what color your score is and that’s all there is to it.

It has the same meaning to me was well. I’m sorry the meaning of the word has been burred several times for you but that doesn’t make it meaningless. I its a problem that infests this system like a plague. And anyone who tries to improve or change it, point it out or even avoid it in the slightest get’s verbally picked apart and swarmed.

I’ve seen this topic come and go serval times. To sum up all my experiences the people who defend it get so worked up half the time they forget all reason or humanity for their fellow player and spirt out a generic answer.

The current fav is “make your own group”.

Hey I would like to one day to troubleshoot idea’s to make this system better. But it’s been years and I frankly don’t think it will happen.

Any evidence to substantiate these statements?

I can just say that the majority of the people don’t misuse the system without having to support that claim; and then we’re in a he-said/she-said.

I can say the same for the points you just made:



I could easily say the inverse of both of these statements and like you said were back at he said she said.

Edit: The only evidence someone as a player can get is the amount of time it takes to get accepted in a group when you have a decent IO score. When I used to actually play the IO game on my DK I got 15 second invites as a dps. No they didn’t pull up the website search me and go through my runs in a matter of seconds. They saw my shiny purple score and said ooo, good player.

Here’s a question for you. You’re a dps. A dim a dozen. Why should I take you over a much experience player? I’m not looking for a long time group. I’m after a fill in. Someone who can hit the floor running. If you dont have the necessary experience for the said run then you’ll slow the group down. Learning is always good but (and this is a huge “but”) you don’t do it at someone else’s expense including the key they spend time leveling up to get to where it is. You just jump in for a run when the lead would have run his key 4 or 5 times to level it up.


I think it’s a decent way to measure experience but i does certaintly suck for new Pug heroes with a clean IO chart when people are already checking IO for 5 keys lol.