IO is a toxic addon!

Because a part of “competent” is to have the ability to accomplish new tasks.

Raw ilvl is meaningless. That’s why is necessary.

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That’s competent at the basics of playing the game not competent at M+.

Oh, it’s hardly anything new.
It has ALWAYS been a problem.

There’s a key pair of words in there – “more important”.

It’s just reach a tipping point where it can no longer be safely confined to the wretches, it has infected the general population is wreaking havoc on the community.

Seems you understand the premise, you just don’t see the harm which that attitude is causing. Until players in general stop being so selfish and paranoid that they fail to understand the simple concept of lending a helping hand, the WoW community will continue to destroy itself from within.

I’ve given my warning.

Whether or not you heed it is no longer my concern.
Enjoy the view from the top of the ivory tower as it comes crashing down.

Learning anything in wow is not hard though. So theres a few extra effects like bolstering to adjust too?..nobody is suddenly a leet pro for being able to handle that. I had enough gear for +15’s in Legion. They were cake walks. But then again, im a competent person that can learn…

No I completely understand what you are saying is a problem I just think your flat out wrong. Disagreeing doesn’t mean I don’t understand. You are not owed a spot in anyone’s groups but your own.

It’s not hard but learning it is required, IO is ONE of the tools to show you have likely learned the extra mechanics and more importantly strategies to handle the higher damage and dps/heal requirements of high keys plus the tighter time and pathing constraints.

I’d argue that M+ has a lot of nuances to it that are not immediately apparent to the average player. Like planning out cooldown timings for trash mobs to speed pulls along or off tanking mobs to not bolster or heal a mini-boss mobs or how to monitor and deal with necrotic or snapping mobs etc etc.

Is any of this stuff mandatory for completing a 15? A handful of it is, but given enough time and gear anyone can brute force a key, but their IO scores will reflect that.

Even then, all IO does is presents information that you can access right here on the forums (assuming characters page is not set to private) in a quick, easy to digest manner.

Yeah no worries bro. I’m sure you’ll pull sim level dps to make up for being 10 ilvls behind the other 4 guys trying to get an invite. I’ll just trust you to understand your class in and out random stranger. Don’t worry I don’t mind messing up my key. SMH I swear the anti-raiderio crowd are the wow equivalent of incels.


agreed its a pos made by elitist gatekeeper
and dsnt even accurately define someone skill

Which is not its intended use. It is designed to measure experience, not skill. Like many systems it will have flaws and can be exploited, but if you can name an alternative way to guesstimate a complete stranger’s M+ ability in a few moments please enlighten me.

If you have time to run a higher M+, but you can’t get in “because of IO gatekeepers,” couldn’t you instead use that time to run some lower level keys and raise your score?

Imagine thinking that wanting to play with people who have experience comparable to the content you’re planning to do is a culture of prestige and exclusivity.

I actually hope you’re just trolling, because that’s on another level.


A tool used by tools

That is all

It’s a toxic addon because it causes folks to look at other people not as people but as a number.

“Oh that guy seems pretty cool, he helped me with that rare and was nice and-oh, his IO is only 500. He’s worthless, nevermind.”

you don’t time keys by bringing players who don’t know how to play their class, the routes, the mob mechanics or the boss mechanics, no matter how nice they are.

and, no, io doesn’t indicate any of that. no one ever said it did.

but a lack of experience shows that a person has a lack of experience. not even you can deny that.


this uh… insightful commentary sounds more toxic than an add-on.

ahem, i’ll direct you to the proper one

fun bit of info (well its cool as hell for me anyway) my mother took care of his mother after she started to get up in years and started getting to where she needed help…i got to hang out all the time with not only johnny paychecks mother as a kid, but the man himself. my uncles used to run the bars with him back before he changed his name to JP as he was born about 20 minutes away from where most of us were

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Would you bring a 119 level character into a mythic +6?