Um… if i had fun with someone, IO score or not, im taking them with me. If im pugging in random people for a key thats +10 and higher, i wanna know they know what to do.
yes i would…just to annoy people
Well played!
But my question was more to illicit that at some level of play, individuals will discriminate on some basis to ensure their goals are met. There will be expectations of performance.
That doesn’t mean you exclude them. It means you leave them a seat when they get the experience, gear, confidence, etc.
of course sure, yeah i understand it, i have no dog in the fight really i have never done mythic+ on 2/3 of my accounts and only a couple of times on a character here or there. i personally think it is one of the worst additions to the game there is.
i also do miss the days where the only requirement to get into something was complete the boss/dungeon/raid prior so you at least could damage or not be one shot in the one you are going into
Yeah. Progression now seems “seasonal,” or based on patches since Wrath. (I played in BC but nothing serious as far as instanced content).
For what it’s worth I dig mythic plus - has kept gameplay fresh and changed up dungeons enough to make meaningful changes in talents/traits/essences, etc. But I know it’s gimmicky in other’s eyes. No issue on my end. It’s a fun game to me in the end.
There’s a thread here with folks gleefully bragging about excluding people from +2s. At this point, the community has ceased seeing each other as human beings and just as numbers.
Correction, there is a thread for people talking about why raider IO exists after someone had a terrible experience due to people not knowing the dungeon mechanics. Not even the Affix mechanics.
If your going to lie, do it better.
Some folks will always find majesty in misery. It’s unfortunately not exclusive to this community, nor iO.
There will also be those willing to lift people up, for those others who want to keep them down.
But in both instances, it is the individuals - not the metric(iO) - that is discriminating. Unless mythic plus is grouped entirely at random, there will be always be methods to pick and choose whom a player brings to their key: ilevel, proving ground score (that is shown on the LFG list), achievements, armory, etc.
Eh, you are correct there. It’s the people, and not the tool. You don’t blame the knife for someone getting stabbed, you blame the person.
Without that knife though, there’d be a guarantee of folks not getting stabbed, just as without IO there’d be a bigger chance of the “lessers” being able to join in on a key.
What kind of alternative vetting process would you offer to someone creating a group pushing a 15?
By then, shouldn’t folks have a big friends list or a guild that they acquired during the journey? I’m talking about folks trying to do much lower keys having problems because of io.
We need to be able to appreciate how other’s view that same tool. For you, you may see a stabbing knife. Other’s see a device that can help them do their job, or survive in the back country.
Not to get lost in abstraction, but you don’t need Raider iO to enjoy mythic plus.
What is preventing them from 1) obtaining their own key, and 2) joining like minded individuals to do 1)?
I read a lot about this phantom that apparently prevents folks from running mythic 0, obtaining a key, and then asking others to join them to complete it.
Trying not to, but all this raiderio talk is unavoidable and it seriously makes me feel depressed. It’s like the only metric that matters anymore, to the point where we’re not even people anymore, but numbers.
For me, it’s because of the fear I have of pugging. Tried to find likeminded individuals on places like M+ Friends but have had no luck.
We shouldn’t be looking for our own worth in a video game nor finding individual meaning. Others who don’t invite low iO folks to a key are NOT judging individual humans based on their intrinsic worth: they’re not relegating an individual to a number any more than the game already does with character level, gear, etc.
They are evaluating a player’s current ability to be a contributing team member.
That’s all in your head.
Seriously, log off, go outside, get some fresh air, i might be harsh on you in a few posts, but if you really believe all anyone is is a IO score, then im kinda worried.
Thats not a healthy way to think of yourself or others.
Forums man… there is alot of nice people on here who would be willing to do them with you, i’ve done a few with people i met off the forums, most of us here, post history aside are happy to do stuff with people.
Agreed! I have Kreivos on bnet. He’s a good dude and fun to chat with on here. I think he plays horde, though, otherwise I’d have run some mythics with him and made sure he knew I wasn’t expecting anything but a good, social time.
I don’t invite my friends because they have a big io. I invite them because they are my friends and I like playing video games with them. Idgaf what score they have.
Randoms that I don’t know I would like to know if they have some experience before inviting them to my key. That way I don’t end up with you in my 21. No offence but you simply don’t have the experience to be there. Just like I don’t have the experience to be in puzzles 26s.
And you don’t feel the need to differentiate between the two at all do you .
Where do you think I got my friends lost from? It was from pugging people with similar experience as myself and having a good time with them. Without io it would making pugging more frustrating and “toxic” with people who are in the group as there would be more people out of their depth.
See the first part of my reply.
Friends don’t care about friends io (unless we are being playfully competitive for fun)
Any form of addon that causes players to be “Examined” and put into groups should be banned.
Its elitist and has no place in the game, if you want solid groups, play with friends or guild members you trust.
IO should not be allowed to rank players.