Now THIS is not true. There’s always low key groups going, and most of them aren’t checking IO. I was trying last night to run a few on my lock and the low ones fill so fast it’s hard to keep up.
I’m convinced 99% of the fun mythic+ runners have is their gatekeeping
Seeing your name and then seeing you complain about something being toxic, how it should be removed, and it being “stupid” is pretty amusing.
I think you think people think about you much more than they actually do think about you.
So do all the dozens of these threads calling for the removal of something that isn’t what they believe it to be…
Also, that name of yours, OP…if anything needs to be removed, or forced to change, it’s that.
No, DBM/Boss Mods need removed because it’s making players BAD at the game. io tells me if you’er capable of progressing.
I do! And if you have the right attitude about it going in–understanding that it’s going to be a dumpster fire and having no other expectation–it is quite rewarding to help new tanks and new DPS figure out how to navigate all of it. I love doing that. But not in pugs.
I think my score this season is like 780-something right now. I’ve spent the entire season running 10s and under…and timing like none of them. I’ve had so much fun with the people, though, and now they’re starting to get that final affix and how to work with it, we might actually start M+ing for real before the season’s out. It’s just another way to approach it, and it’s been really a good time.
Edited to add: When we had our new tank time a 7 for the first time (three affixes timed for the first time for him), his exclamation of delight made all the wiping on previous runs worth it. He “got it,” and he’s an excellent human being and a really decent player who’s been out of the game for like 10 years. He’d never seen anything like M+ and being one of the people who made it safe for him to go in and fail and learn it…was great.
That’s not possible due to Blizzard and catch ups. The only real winner here is Blizz
He/she has a very valid arguement. IO is detrimental to the game. It alienates a large part of the player base that is competent just because we have not done content. I have a low score but am a solid player capable of results. Time constraints keep me from accomplishing things that would increase my IO though.
This is not a “forum quota” post.
I seriously question this, how can you be competent in something you have not done? You might be a perfectly competent player at other aspects of the game but M+ and raiding and pvp all require different skills and practice to be good at them separately.
Probably the most frustrating thing about the whole situation can be describe as such:
- Whenever an add-on can be used for gatekeeping in any way, it gets abused by people who are looking for an excuse to “kick down” on others.
- They then proceed to claim it’s “justified” as it forces people to do the pre-requisite work to attain the same level.
- They also become oblivious to the problem in the first place – it enables them to act like jerks, because they feel that what they’re doing is “right”.
… but the simple fact of the matter?
It’s slowly but surely killing WoW, as they drive away everyone who doesn’t prescribe to their approach to the game.
Unfortunately, it seems the developers are content to cater solely to this crowd for some reason. Every “new” idea in WoW is targeted to them and them alone, while every other form of gameplay has be abandoned and left to rot.
Either way, it’s only a matter of time now.
WoW is dying… it’s only a matter of when the headsman’s axe will fall.
They won’t see it coming until it has already happened.
people have been saying this for 15 years.
But ok, if you think WoW is dying because you can’t get an invite to a stranger’s group, you do you.
continue ignoring the guilds, communities and discords dedicated to m+ grouping. Insist on straight up stranger danger pugging through LFG and crying because those strangers don’t cater to you.
that’ll take you far. (hint: no it won’t)
Yet this mentality has been in WoW since inception. It was there during classic/tbc. It was there during wotlk.
That is definitely a “slow” killing of WoW if its taken 15 years.
I’ll put it simply:
- Those are the only groups left. Everyone else has left the game or is in the process of leaving.
- They’re shrinking.
Tick-tock, tick-tock… the writing is on the wall.
How long before you read it?
No one can deny that the playerbase is shrinking. The game is 15 years old.
Are you working under some notion that means we should all throw our own personal preferences out the window to make sure every person in LFG gets a group invite?
There is nothing wrong with player A not wanting to play with player B. EVen if that means Player B gets mad and goes home. Player B’s game is not the responsibility of Player A.
especially when we’re talking about m+ in which it is trivially easy to get a key and run it.
The culture of prestige and exclusivity in WoW needs to die before it takes the game down with it. Limited runs only serve to reinforce this problem, it creates in-fighting in the community over trivial matters as personal progression has become more important than the overall health of the game and the community.
However, the community is content to perpetuate the situation because they’re comfortable with it.
THAT is why WoW is dying.
Personal progression has always been important, pretending this is something new is disingenuous.
No one is owed a spot in another player’s group, nor is it the responsibility of any player to ensure that a random stranger progresses.
It really is not hard to get a vaguely decent item lvl anymore.
You can get a better IO score by, I don’t know, doing your own keys?
gasp Work?
But…raiderio isn’t the issue.
Its the way people use it.