IO is a toxic addon!

This crap needs to be removed. It’s a stupid addition. So many things in the game remind me of a runaway crony capitalism; where by the ‘game’ is rigged that the rich (well geared) get all the breaks, and the poor have an insurmountable uphill climb that has the whole system stacked against it.

IO is horrible and is just another barrier for getting groups together. As if raw ilevel wasn’t bad enough, now we have this IO bullmess to contend with. WoW is just horrible for the casual gamer now!!! They can take this game and shove it!!! I’ve had enough of this current meta!!!


I see you are here for your daily quota of forum attention


Can’t take you seriously with that name.


What barrier is up when starting your own group?


Honestly I think he is trying to bait a forced name change, so he can complain about that also.


There’s other games you know? You should try some of them, WoW won’t get better ever. That’s a community created problem and will remain that way forever and just become worse and worse.


This seems fitting


punk, eh?

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What about this?


At this point, I almost feel like renaming Azeroth to “Morytha”.

The lost city of the damned and forgotten.

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IO poisoned the town well.

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Can you blame him? He probs needs to maintain his trust level so you post something explosive. People really need to transcend to TL4 like I have. That way you become immune to it all.

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Crystallize your knowledge in meme form. It’s the next step in evolution!


Don’t steal my clout.

At this point, these kind of posts are actually getting annoying… I remember we used to have “get rid of TF” now IO spam threads are the new thing. I mean, you heard this millions of times dude, but…

MaKe YoUr OwN GrOuP.

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However, i agree.

based and redpilled.

Hmmmm. I’ve thought about ascending to the near God like status TL5 is but I’ve been concerned with what I may do with the power…:smiling_imp:

is there a VIP room in the Lounge that all the TL5 peeps hang out?

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If he tells you, they might not let him in.

Edit: anyways time to get the :popcorn: and the :beers: for the flood of people to come crying in with made up facts or opinions presented as facts as to why IO is bad.


I started pushing my own keys as a 430 Unholy DK last week. I pushed my first 15 the day before yesterday.