IO is a toxic addon!

Resumes are toxic, remove them

…said the person applying for a job to the employer.


Employers are so toxic asking for proof of work experience. :frowning:

i think they mean you shouldnt have to bother with doing the io thing just to get into content
which is true but this post is just so left field

we need experienced workers…

“but i never worked before, i need to work to get experience…”

“then find a job…”

“i’m here, give me a job”

“we need experienced workers…”

“just teach me, i can learn the job”

“go get some experience then come back”

“but i need to work to get experience…”

“then find a job !”

this never ends…

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well thats essentially how it works though.

we need experienced workers…

“but i never worked before, i need to work to get experience…”

“then find a job…”

“i’m here, give me a job”

“we need experienced workers…”

“just teach me, i can learn the job”

“go get some experience then come back”

“but i need to work to get experience…”

“the guy across the road has a job for inexperienced workers "

“I don’t want to start at the bottom, why won’t you give me a job I can’t do”

“I’m not here to waste my time carrying you when you won’t put in the time required”

Fixed it for you.


I already did my keys and I got on time.
Do mechanics properly maybe or make your own group.

You’re not entitled to other people’s time.

the guy across the road never existed.

We are still…talking about the game, right ?

All the employers want the best employees that they can get…it’s a rare case when an employer admits an unexperienced employee to come aboard. Like trainees jobs.

…in paralell , in the game, it’s the same case - there is no random groups admting low IO players on their groups…there is one solution for that…playing with friends…

So, ask to your friends for jobs recomendations - i’m working on a job today that a friend recommended me…in game , today , things works just like that.

How we solve this ?

Or the employers start training the new ones or…there is no solution for that besides asking for your friends…getting good and start to have a good IO then…profit. But when this time come, maybe you will play with your friends and will never go out to play with random groups.

But what about alts ? it’s the same thing…random groups will deny you, then you will need friends…

This is where you are wrong. There is more than one solution.

You can do the lower groups to build your IO so it is no longer low.

This “solution” removes all personal responsibility.

“Its not my fault I have a low IO. Its everyone elses fault! They won’t train me or get me into groups!”

Have the slightest bit of personal responsibility. Do lower groups. Work your way up.


LOL. By Rich you mean the good players who worked hard for that gear, io score, achievements and option things that you will not get due to lack of skill but want it for little to no work on your part? For someone not to see your score or gear in hopes that they invite and carry you through to your unjust rewards? Spare me your pseudo-gamer commie manifesto.

What this guy said. Except avoid overwatch, it’s worse or go play Overwatch and wow people will seem like angels.

this is not true.

all the high IO players, do the keys in the tuesday, maybe in the Wednesday, get the highest score, then just admit other players that did that.

In the end, the guy who are doing low ilvl keys, farming items, items with corruption, waiting for good corruption (bis) to drop, good bis items, best trinkets, will have to wait and farm like hell alone to get better items…his IO will never rise up to get admited for a higher group because the higher group will be waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of his io level.

in the end, this player will find friends doing low ilvl keys and will become another group of selected players/friends that will just admit other players who do that.

It’s an endless situation.

A normal player who start low ilvl keys will wait for a loooong time to drop good items to start to do higher keys…in this meantime, he find friends and never go out to look for groups or he leaves the game because it’s a rare case when a person insists in this grind, doing raids and m+ a lot of times…this is the things that you do on your main character…

If you are one of those people who love to get the cloack in lvl 15 on all your alts, grinds a lot to get all bis corruptions and trinkets on all your ALTs and get fun doing that…ok , that’s your case, but there is other players out there that hates it…

what’s the solution ?

find friends to do all that…who know you and will help you, and vice versa, to do all this grinds…because the elite groups in the group finder aren’t admiting this character anyway…then when this character gets high io score, maybe (90% of tha cases, in my opinion) will have friends at this point.

Of course it is.

So what?

Also untrue. Everyone hits a cap where they stop progressing. Either by intention or by skill wall. Many people stop progressing after hitting +15s. They don’t care to go higher. It means the “higher io” people will hit a point where their IO stops, while the people catching up…catch up.


Not at all.


This doesn’t even make sense.

I mean. What is your “goal” in m+? Is it to do +20s something?

You are basically describing one hypothetical scenario and acting like there is absolutely no alternative…when the alternative is being done daily. Constantly.


This idiotic scenario only applies if mythic+ is all and the only way they are getting gear. And still want into a club they won’t get into. If he finds friends at low keys, then all work at higher keys, continue to farm those keys as the weeks go by and this wont be an issue. I’m doing 10’s with guildies and above and don’t give two flying shnitz about io score. I don’t even have an addon for it. It’s not even on my radar. If this guy has only a commie-style guild that gets stuff for free by doing the easiest, bare minimum way to get epics then they are just another failed system in a long line of manifestos. lawl.

me too. I don’t need it. I have an alt who i do more keys than this toon. If some friends asks to go too, or vice versa, it’s ok, we do a good job and that’s good. Their IO level ? i never know. A good talk, good knowledge of who are going with you and that’s all.

“But what about persons who you don’t know or don’t have discord to talk” - talk to him, asks, be kind; IO serves just to one purpose - show the players that are hardcore and do a lot of m+ tryharding a lot.

“oh but that’s not fair with this tryhard player to put him with a casual player or newbie” - ok, i insists to say to this new players or low io score to do what i recomended before :

do low ilvl keys, raids, find a clan, make some friends and never install the IO addon, play with players that you know and you will never think about this crap addon.

I mean. You are right. If you don’t pug you don’t have to deal with trying to figure out how much experience a random person has.

Thats sorta the point of the add on. For people that are pugging.

I have 40 people that are applying to my group. I should talk to all 40 of them?


Except not. Raw ILVL, is the rich, but IO at least can be earned with skill. Every season IO resets. If you’re good at the game, you can earn a better IO than people more geared than you.

Of course in THIS game, skill often equates to gear as well, so if you’re not geared, you’re not skilled.

the same person complaining about IO are the ones that decline people that have low IO. i love it honestly.

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People with low rIO don’t want to play with other people with low rIO.