that was a great response thanks! you’ve convinced me, IO is fine. It’s the people who use it that suck lol.
Well, it should convince you, though I’m sure it doesn’t. You probably assume I’m a jerk (which is hysterical, really, considering who I actually am) because I suggested you’re absolutely wrong on this one point.
The truth is, I run with people this season who are not capable and not particularly interested in pushing io. We run 10±max, and even that is a struggle for most of our guild. We raid heroic and we run M+ low keys together and have a great time doing it.
My point is this: io is not the issue. It’s not elitist. It’s just a record sheet. In season 2, I got excited about M+, and I had a raider io score of 1300, which was really decent and got me into several pugs. I find pugs very anxiety-inducing, so I don’t do them often at all.
But I am the reason my io score is low. I haven’t done the work this season. I chose not to. It doesn’t make the pug community elitist to look at my score and pass on letting me heal their 15s. I haven’t done the work. I haven’t demonstrated my ability to heal them.
If I chose to engage with M+ pugging, I could have my score up in the space of a week. That is my point. It doesn’t keep out anyone who wants to be in. You just have to do the work.
Yes. ilu Tyche
nah I don’t use sarcasm as a weapon, I said that sincerely.
Wait til you hear about resumes
Only bad players complain about RaiderIO.
Most people who say they don’t like it don’t seem to understand how it actually works. I find that entertaining. The blind confidence in their statements that are just totally incorrect lol.
What it does is help ppl avoid wasting time playing with players who don’t know their rotations or the fights.
Lead by example and carry inexperienced and undergeared people through M+
“IO” has nothing to do with how well geared you are, it is about how experience you are in the mythic+ content. If you are having trouble getting groups, use your own key and use that to start building up your score.
Even if I hated IO (mostly I don’t care about it), I wouldn’t want Blizzard to do this. The premade group finder was a downgrade from oQueue, and even more so after they disabled the ability for addons to post groups and autoinvite people. Blizzard should never be breaking addons unless they are serious cheats.
Do you know WHY they created the group finder And then broke player’s Attempts to circumvent it?
Because elite cartels were gating off major portions of the game. Group finder allowed people to get connected without getting kicked to the curb by hopeful oligarchs. Blizz wasn’t about to allow a hand full of players to control access to the last half of the game
And Blizz wasn’t about to let a whole new exclusion system rise back into place such that a brave new underclass could be re-established.
Clearly things behind the scenes have changed and endgame has become a gated community again.
Its unfortunate but the devs are just too busy to care that players are deciding who comes and who goes.
The “make your own group” chorus lights up but of course there is a reason why that doesn’t happen more than it does.
The halcyon days of the devs looking out for you are gone. They don’t even care that players have banished them to the store mount foundry.
If you want into M+ content you have to play by the rules, and the luminary score divas make the rules.
So work your score up or push your own keys, that’s it. That’s the only way. No one is going to save you from it again OP.
All the people who cared are gone.
lead by example. yep.
I miss the days of OQueue. It felt like people that used it were more competent, people were always asking if I wanted to join groups and were more helpful. When the new group finder didn’t provide the same experience I thought about it, the conclusion I came to was that it excluded players who didn’t know enough to install it; new players and people who don’t research their characters.
Thats because without it people doing actual high keys would just have to guess if you had done a dungeon before. Do work and you’ll find its better than having nothing.
I just came here for the popcorn and drinks may I have some please? ^w^
Two things,
1)The addon saves your highest score to it so long as you’ve linked your account to the website. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing a fresh 120 or a character you’ve played since the start of the season, they can tell what you’ve done.
- Its not that hard to push score, now more then ever and 15s can be done on time relatively easily. Complaining that you can’t push your own score just reeks of not trying.
Except you can make your own groups. . . and like. . . run low level keys and get gear and climb while raising your IO score.
Really, it does not take that much legwork to get a character from fresh to slamming +15s. It really doesn’t, you can do it within a week if you go ridiculously hard, 2-3 if you’re casual about it.
It is toxic, but it’s a necessary evil. You will have people who will have something like a 900 IO score and will reject people who are better than his score because they want some absurd rating as if they had a 1500+ rating.
On the other hand, someone using it correctly can tune their run to people who are competent when they have an IO score similar to what they are looking for.
i misread it, i was reading “ion is a toxic…” - anyway i agree with ion or io being toxic…so…