IO is a toxic addon!

Yes, but this is true for literally anything people can measure strangers by, be it achievements, ilvl, some other addon score, or armory progression.

At least with Raider IO, its a combined score (that people look at), so someone would need to be carried through the 12 dungeons or whatever, each on a high key, for it to actually give them a good IO score.

Which means on average it’s going to be more of an accurate indicator of what they’ve managed to do with their own ability than other indicators.

Those who have a genuine interest in getting good will usually start working on their power progression early in a patch and stay on top of the arbitrary requirements the community ends up setting.

Obviously if you start late or reroll or whatever, you’ll be behind and it’s tougher then, but at least the game has a patch cycle so you’re not -forever- behind if you aren’t able to break through that wall despite your disadvantage.

What does IO mean?

Because it’s their group, they can form it however they want, if it wasn’t for it’d be something else. Gear score is an example. Or just your armory, since is nothing but your armory with numbers on it.

Quit blaming io when it is not the issue.

I mean I am down with at least a different source of entertainment at this point. Every single thread about this topic is the exact same vanilla flavor and is getting really old.

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Knock it off, vanilla > chocolate

All the info that provides is easily accessable on the WoW Armory. Even if you hide your profile, people can still see it.

Your best key is a 4. Your cloak is at rank 7 and there’s no reason for you to get it to 15 now or at least 12 with the catchup they’ve put in. You have no ring or weapon enchants. You’ve put absolutely no effort into your character why would I believe you would try to put effort into doing a key properly?

3 hours for a group to form lol that’s funny.


Just make your own group.

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so you’re saying people who want to do mythics can only do so if they started early in an update and people who came a little later are out of luck?

I’ve never waited “3 hours”. I start my +15 key for my own weekly chest and instantly like 9 dps show up. I grab the best like 2. A tank shows up…I think it is a bit questionable so I wait the 3 minutes or whatever to see if another shows up. Unless I am doing this at literally 4 AM on Monday night (I have) it rarely takes more than like 7 minutes to get a competent group.

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You’re no position to be talking crap about M+ and IO when you’re wearing a mythic 4 ring. If you were against it, you wouldn’t have any mythic gear on period. You just dug your own grave.

lol I literally just leveled up to 120 on this char yesterday ya dingus

in tech, generally input/output.

In domain names, originally something about the Indian Ocean, not really relevant now.

The reason so many startups and hobbyist websites are using it today? Because it’s not as popular as .com and other go-to’s, so their chosen domains are more likely to be available, and will likely cost them less. That, and if they’re loosely tech based, the input/output meaning, while likely totally irrelevant, can tie it in to that field a bit more.

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Just run your own keys and push them higher and quit demanding everyone let you into their groups when you could be doing the exact same thing.

I’ve ran a 15 without paying anyone and just came back into the game. I’ve ran multiple 10-13 keys on all my alts without paying anyone and thus proves your claims are false about the game being pay to win are bogus, with that said sure there’s whales that will pay for services because they’re just that, a service, but you’re not hindered by people purchasing runs for m+ or visions.

I came back a week ago and am getting close to 470 ilvl and have done this all on my own without paying anyone for anything and it’s because I’m not lazy and demand free crap. Within this week of my return I’ve full cleared heroic and killed two bosses on mythic difficulty. I didn’t give anyone money or beg anyone for a free ride.

Post’s like yours are toxic because you demand everyone to be brought down to your level of laziness.

Just be an adult and take responsibility onto yourself.

Then post on your main and stop hiding on your alt.

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I wanted this to become my main, quit being toxic ya wee spooky thing

I’m gearing alts through M+, I’ve gotten IO on new toons by making my own groups. Complaining that you can’t get into groups reeks of freeloading


This is like my favorite buzzword it’s lost all meaning.


Quit being an horses poop shoot ya crab legged moss monster, better?

This is patently false.

Raider IO is easy to get involved in, and it’s easy to raise. In a week of work, you can get where you want to be.

Start in +2’s, Spend a day doing nothing but 2’s and 4’s. Since raider io is your only barrier, I will assume those will be practically /afk for you, but once you’ve done a handful of those over the course of one day, you’ll be ready to jump into 5-7’s on day 2. Get into pugs and do them at this level for 2 days. Now, you’re cooking with Crisco. By the end of day two, your raider io will be climbing high enough to get into the 7-9 bracket. Spend day 3 doing nothing but these–and again, since raider io score is the ONLY reason you’re being held back, you’ll time all of these, and you might even end up with your own key pushed if you start a group.

Day 4: It’s time to spend the entire day doing nothing but 9’s and one or two 10s. Each one you time will significantly increase your io score. Make sure you don’t do the same dungeon over and over again, and you’ll be flirting with 1000 io by the end of the day.

Day 5: Another day of 9’s and 10’s. Make sure you have timed a 9 or 10 for every dungeon in the book by the end of Day 5.

Day 6: Nothing but 10’s today. Get a few new dungeons added to your timed 10’s, and bam: Your raider io score is now respectable, and you should be able to get into any 10 or 11 you like.

Day 7: It’s been a week. You’ve run a lot of dungeons. You look at having broken 1k on your io–maybe you’re up to 1200-1300. Your list shows you’ve timed multiple 10s, and most pugs running 10s and 11s will be happy to take you. Your own key having been pushed, it will be easy to get people willing to run your key with you. You will look–now that you’re protective of your own key, having pushed it yourself–at the io scores and choose people within range of your own score.

Boom. One week. Nothing elitist about it. It’s about doing the work and learning the dungeons.

Or you can just say everyone is mean to you and blame the addon.