IO is a toxic addon!

Thank you for saying this.

If say Blizz made it so IO doesn’t work anymore, things would get MUCH harder to join in, since we would go back to the you need a Ilvl higher then the content, with a achievement like keystone master.

It’s not like everyone would suddenly be doing open pugs, everyone is welcome.

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Nah it was gnomes that did it.

I’d like to agree with but after joining a +4 Waycrest Keystone with a Rogue who couldn’t hit 10k DPS and a Mage that couldn’t hit 20k, I can’t.

I joined a ML as my prot pally and one dps could only do 5k. And it was a +2 ML.

It needs to be baked into the game by Blizzard officially, to be quite honest.


why should it be removed? because you don’t wanna spend the time to raise your score and you would rather get carried through high end keys? no thanks. The way I look at io score is the same as arena rating the harder you work the more you’ll be rewarded. But, thanks for the weekly " IO sucks blizzard do something "

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Alot of things need to be. Like being able to inspect people’s item level and raid/mythic+ progress should be baked into the default UI but for some reason isn’t.

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You’re a toxic addon. Get out

Translation: I keep getting rejected from groups because of my low IO. So I’m gonna come to the forums and vent about it.

It’s an extremely toxic addon, Creates elitists and gives people ego when they really shouldn’t have one. Exclusionary addons are annoying because a “rating” doesn’t determine how well a person plays. They could be carried and their IO rating would be good, even if they are a crap player.

it’s exclusionary and keeps people wanting to get good and do mythics from doing so. If you can’t get into mythics and raids because of a low IO you can never improve your IO and thus makes it impossible. It’s like a job in the real world that has requirements of 4 years of experience in the field, but in order to get into the field you need that experience. It’s a paradox. Of course I guess nothing stops us from using our own groups. I use IO only because others use it. Not to be exclusionary of others who want to play. Don’t self project, it’s not a good look.

People think too highly of themselves when they rely on IO tbh. met people with high IO only to be really crappy gamers.

Then play with friends and not pugs. a +4 doesn’t require any gear at all tbh. You can meet time with a group of 410 ilvls. I’ve done it and succeeded.

yeah I hate gate keeping with a passion. It happens in real life, in games, and it’s all a pain in the butt for those who have genuine interest in getting good. lol

“I’m mad because now I can’t get carried”

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Your entire post reeks of someone that doesn’t understand why IO exists and is used to keep people who don’t even want to try out of groups that just at the end of the day, want to get their 15s or 16s done. Nobody wants to carry someone through a key. You don’t even do keys. Why do you care?

I do too do keys tf? And I am not saying carry people, I am saying it’s gate keeping people who actually want to do mythics and keys. “You need experience to do mythics, you need to do mythics to get experience”

Except it’s not. It’s only gating freeloaders.

yeah tell that to my attempts at getting a group before I even knew what IO was because it just randomly popped up out of no where. on my 455 ilvl char trying to get into a +4 is like trying to win the lottery. So I just make my own groups now.

Excellent! You figured it out! Isn’t it wonderful?

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Repeat thread, still disagree. People are toxic. Rio is just an addon.


I just wish everyone that posted these threads would group up together and solve each other’s problems, but instead they all whine and whine and whine.


I just don’t understand why people would wait 3 hours to find that “just right” person.

oh man that would be funny. They’d be blaming each other immediately