IO is a toxic addon!

I know a guy for that. Hit up Hastur for help speaking of things which must not be spoken.

you monster.

don’t you know you’re supposed to spend hours and hours raging about rio and m+ on the forums instead of actually pushing your own key?


Nah. There’s one for the lowly TL3 peeps but no one ever posts in there. TL4 uses brain to brain communication. I can only imagine how TL5 entities communicate. Possibly via the dark matter that makes up most of the cosmos.

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Don’t forget begging for sympathy for your plight and making up stuff to justify your position!


Oh, yes, and coming up with a list of excuses as to why you can’t start a group.


Because it is bad.

Don’t drink the Kool-Aid

There’s no need for list. Goes both way to read stats.


emphasis on stuff

Someone really needs to submit a bug report for all those missing buttons.

Honestly, i would respect the Anti IO crowd if they just said either “I don’t know how it works, but it seems like its exclusive” and then lisioned when it was explained or just said “i don’t like it” and left it at that.

The trying to call it "elitist’ or ‘exclusive’ when its probably the most inclusive community designed thing so far and presenting made up facts hurts my brain :frowning:


Some people have a lot of anxiety over starting groups. Says much about a person’s character when they want to make fun of someone over that.


Welcome back from your vacation. Did you see your thread became a wiki?

Well yeah, I did that myself. That way a Senior Mod would have to come out of vacation handle the thread. Plus it was hilarious that you tell me about it. Can’t believe how no life Dreta is. Some people need to get a life.

as someone with rather crippling anxiety, to the point where i am medicated and can get disability for it… this sounds like a personal problem.
don’t like starting a group, then join someone elses.
scared of getting turned down for groups cuz our RIO is too low, join lower keys and build it up so you stop getting turned down as much.
or just give up and stop playing, cuz no one owes you their time and effort.


And if they say that, i can respect that as well.

But they don’t. They scream about how no one will will do anything if your sub 2k IO, rage about how its a elietist program when it is infact designed so -anybody- can get their score up to participate as compared to the old way of doing things that -was- slated towards gate keeping and elitism.

I can respect someone having anxiety, heck, i’d offer to start groups and run stuff with them. I can respect someone just not liking something and leaving it at that. I don’t respect hyperbole and lies.


Idk how I feel about IO. At the start of BFA I pushed keys pretty hard and ended up with a group of people I could trust to play well, so we didn’t really need IO unless one of the dps wasn’t on.

It seems to only help with pugging so the only real use is for solo players that migrate from group to group. I guess the addon gives some idea of how well the person is gonna do? Definitely is toxic though but solo playing in WoW is just always that way.

I don’t look at people’s IO unless it’s too high and then I don’t want boosted monkeys coming in tryna flex on my weekly +15 yolo shenanigans. OH HO HO YOU HAVEN’T BOTHERED TO TIME +15S OF ALL THE KEYS THAT DROP NOTHING YOU WANT AND ARE TEDIOUS WITH RANDOM PUGS 3 MONTHS AGO? LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT HOW AMAZING I AM, LOWLY PEASANT KEY-RUNNER. Every damn time I swear it is cancer so I just don’t take anyone that has too high an IO for the keys I’m running.

That said, I do use the addon to make sure people have actually run several of whatever level key it is. If they’ve timed 20+ 15s, they’re fine. I’ve done that and I expect other random casuals like me have done that. I wish there was a way to see how many and what level keys they have done at a glance. I don’t care about scores except again to keep out try-hards. Obviously someone with an incredibly low score won’t have timed a lot of 15s anyway so I wouldn’t take them to begin with.

Here’s the thing.

  1. Yes, IO is a barrier to entry for people who play less or start late [including alts]. It can be dealt with, but especially if you are purely DPS, it’s a pain.
  2. No, removing it won’t fix anything. There will ALWAYS be some means of gatekeepering to pug groups in tougher content. If it’s not Raider IO, it’s a +15/Keystone Master/AotC/Whatever “proof” achievement. If it’s not an achievement, it’s pure ilvl (which the same players complaining about IO WILL fall behind on), Before ilvl, it was Gearscore.

IO isn’t the “problem”, it’s that players WANT a means of judging strangers without having to “give them a chance”. And that’s totally reasonable.


IO also got my sister pregnant, stole my cookies, and was behind the JFK assassination.