IO Gatekeeping is Getting Out of Hand

I don’t need to kick them if I don’t invite them in the first place.

I would like to see people actually take someone whose name is “Igriefmplus”

Fair point, but you still exposed more about yourself though.

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for what, not wanting to play with a guy (or girl) who named their character after a vulgar reference to female genitalia?

I’m totally ok with that.


And you are exposing yourself even more.

Sigh. It’s wise when to stop so you don’t cause others to think things about you.

it’s cute you think I care what you think about me.


You seem to care since you’re talking to me.

I’m just saying don’t be the architect of your own reputation.

There’s a ton of people saying it will make pugging less toxic.

And honestly there will be some covenants that will be so bad that you’re trolling if you don’t decline them - see abomination limb for DKs

It used to be you were declined for being a shaman. Now it will be you were declined specifically for being a Venthyr shaman because your hps will be 20% lower than a necro shaman lol. Definitely not moot

It could be negated if nobody can see what covenant anyone is attached to until the players start using their provided abilities.

That way, you’re already timing the dungeon and you can’t kick them or sacrifice your key.

Maybe you should focus on giving feedback on what you believe to be under-powered covenants?

Sounds like a balancing issue to me.
Not a covenant issue.

Eh let them, the Kara attunement was fun, and if they really had to appease the community make it account wide.

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Ironically no; it’s what people who hated gearscore begged for! It’s a way of evaluating a player based on what they’ve shown themselves to be capable of, rather than their gear.

its really not.

i tested it myself by rolling a new warrior.
got over 2k io in ~1.5 month, from level 1.

had no issues getting in groups and climbing fast. hell hes got a higher io than this DH which i played for months. its easier now if anything.

Kara, Champion of the Narru, Hand of Ad’al. I would love long, epic quest lines like that to return.

The only way to stop gate-keeping would be to turn WoW into a game of laser tag.

were you around for the Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops recipe questline? that was a good one too.

I’m a fan of long, difficult questlines, but I don’t think they should gate raid content.

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I don’t believe I was.

What if though the quest line to attune for a raid was released a few weeks prior to the raid’s release? No boss kills in the previous raid needed just an awesome line like those old ones. I say a few weeks prior so this way it can be done in place of WQs or right along with them. Either way you’ll be attuned before you’d even be able to enter.

it’s a pain in the behind for recruitment.

–sorry, new guy, can’t recruit you until you do this long questline.

or worse, it make guild poaching as bad as it was in kara days.

I’d rather see more of the stuff like the waist of time, uuna, hivemind, etc. tons of fun, takes a long time to do, cool puzzles, but doesn’t gate raid content.

The worst part is that people avoid recruiting for the IO score of the dungeon they’re queing for. They always want higher. It makes sense, but at the same time is rough for people queing for the level they’re at.

The funny part is that higher IO people moonlighting in lower dungeons usually leave at the first sign of trouble. Also, people who say “checking IO” and “xx minimum IO” are usually those who don’t even meet their own requirements.

You are competing with other players that may have larger ilvl or io which may be a deciding factor. Or its a grp comp issue based on affixes. Why do you think its just your io that is denying you entry?