IO Gatekeeping is Getting Out of Hand

Hear me out. I’m not against having a way to see roughly how good a random player wanting to join your group is, BUT people are acting like IO is the only measure of a player’s worth. For example, I played BfA on-and-off and am returning more seriously now to get ready for shadowlands. One goal is to complete a 15 of each dungeon on time, so I apply to groups saying “Hey I just recently returned so my io is low” then link aotc nzoth and cutting edge argus to show I’m not an incompetent player. At 471 ilvl so far I’ve gotten into 2 +15 groups out of maybe 100-150 applied. And it’s not even like my IO is atrociously bad either at 1600. Lots of people want 2000+ for a 15 lol.

Am I asking Blizzard to step in and ban IO or something? Absolutely not

Do I expect the community to change on its own? No

Just an observation of how ridiculous things have gotten


going to just say this cause i know someone will.

Dps are a dime a dozen, and there are a ton of other reasons to get rejected.
-not the class they are looking for
-to many dps qued and they found someone with better ilvl or score
-group fell apart
-looking for a certain armor type (mail/cloth/plate/leather)

Io is a major part of a role, but other things are taken into consideration. So please do not think everytime you are declined its because of IO, some might be but not everytime. Group leads usually have a ton of selection at +15s as its the most lucrative thing to run for gear maxamization.

Another thing is personal experience. If someone has had a bunch of bad experience with playing with people under a certain io, then they might not want to invite people with that under that io. Its the same thing that happens to rag players. They might not be bad but since people had a bad experience, they deem to not give others a shot.


Ok I just returned after a long break. What is IO? Is it some new addon everyone is using?

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its raider . io Its a addon that gives people a number based on what your highest keys are for all dungeons. Some people use it as a one and done thing when looking, others use it just for more info on the person.

Years ago it was the Ilvl addon, and then they made that into the game. People did not like it then, and well… give it time, and it will be added in and we can hate it even more.


I see so it is just an addon equivalent to the old we only take people who have the achievement song and dance.


i mean yeah, sorta.

no io indicates limited experience. 471 is not particularly high at this point. do lower dungeons, like i do on any alt i decide to build an io on…and build an io.


Create a +15 in the lfg and see how many 475 with IO over 2,300 queue up. Now ask yourself why they should pick you. A returning player who has to work on getting essences, corruptions and work on cloak will do no dmg in a 15. Also, a lot of people buy Aotc, so that’s not proving much.


all dungeons +9 timed should get you to 1080 io.

My holy priest who i just got back with and do dungeons only with friends has a io of like 400. Its not hard to climb


PVP ranking is gatekeeping me from getting into higher and better groups!..Literally both systems work the same. People complain over RIO but not the pvp system.


I have essences, corruptions and 95 resistance on cloak. Like I said I’ve been playing on-and-off just not competitively. I perform better than a lot of 480s with 2500 IO but people just assume you’re trash because you don’t have an arbitrary amount of points. Cutting edge and orange parses in mythic aren’t good enough apparently.

A lot of people buy keys too.


I mean have you tried forming your own group for a 15? You literally get swamped by a dozen or more dps applications instantly, specially early in the week. Why wouldn’t you pick the highest Ilvl/IO?

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If you link Glad achieve you aren’t getting an invite? Current rating is all that matters? Don’t think so.

The only problem here is how does the group leader know you didn’t buy carries.

IO is also a look at a player’s experience in the content they’re looking to run.


Raiding and M+ are very different things though.
Also like others said, you get flooded with DPS when you list a group for anything. You can be a bit picky without really missing out.

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Aye to all of this. Use your own key while you’re at it. You’ll sometimes get über geared mega lords who will carry your key. I never ask for it, but I’m always glad when it happens.






And people think being able to switch covenants will help this in some way LOL


I know this is going to sound weird, but you might actually have an easier time getting into level 16 dungeons. Tons of people apply for 15s because they are the easiest level that grants a 475 piece in the weekly cache. Plus, once you time the 16, you’ll look even better applying for the 15s! :smiley: