TLPD looted 08/18/12 8:15am a day and time ill never forget was eating my waffle and it went flying into the air when addon went off and said TLPD spawned
Ah lol so cruel
It took me 3 weeks to get that mount on my old bnet which had 5 accounts on it, only one of them maxed out.
Most people who claim they have done thousands of attempts on some rare mount aren’t lying. They’re confused, because they aren’t keeping track and it did seem like thousands.
I was flying around using a target macro that would detect both vyragosa and time-lost. Actually, I was about to send that character back to current content, so this was going to be the last run for a while.
Another time I was farming the polar bear on a character that happened to be on a dead realm and saw the proto drake. I managed to get word out on a busy realm and was able to invite a couple of players to get theirs.
Kind of funny, because i have sold 2 of the invincible mounts, did not even keep one because the price they fetched on the AH was to good to pass up.
I’m sure your waffle understood its sacrifice was required.
not sure how a BOP item can go on ah
everyone knows just like loot legendry’s and mounts everything has a 50% chance to drop either it dose or it doesn’t.
the keyboard didnt, soon as i got the mount I had to clean myself off as well change cloths shower then went to the store and got a new keyboard
Its not, or should not be BoP, because i sold 2 of them, so yeah.
Last one was like 3-4 years ago.
You said you can’t see it suggesting you thought it was invisible.
Immortal means you can’t die by age or disease.
Invincible means you can’t be injured.
But you’re not fighting the horse, so your joke doesn’t make sense.
It’s a very old joke. It sounds like you never heard it before.
Clearly not.
I think ther joke is supposed to be that the drop rate is so low that people “never see it”.
Is that it?
just checked still BOP like it was when it first came out
Dont get in the way of a good story… damn.
Took me 3 years of farming to finally get it. Rare means rare.
Are you sure your didn’t sell the Crimson Deathcharger?
I always got the joke as people thought it was spelled invisible or didn’t know how to read Invincible
You’re definitely getting Invincible confused with some other mount. Invincible’s BoP.
I farmed it off and on with at least 8 alts every week when active. I think it took over 700 attempts.
Just keep trying and look at it as quick gold farming.
I got to the point where I stopped expecting it and just kind of made it my routine. Just kind of ran it and vegged out every week. When it actually dropped I was not really surprised. It’s hard to explain after a little while it hit me that I got it and it was really exciting.
It’s my favorite mount, love the lore behind it. Keep at it, best of luck.
PS: jaina crying is the worst on that raid. Hated hearing her proud of my king garbage
im 100% thinking that’s the one he is thinking lol which sells cheap now