Funny you say that, because it is my own personal experience that led me to just assume that OP was telling the truth about how many runs. It is a 5% drop rate. That is exceedingly low, even now.
You don’t have to believe anybody. I mean, I am disabled and have a lot of free time which makes things more understandable as to why somebody has so much free time lol.
I have to agree with ya. I went hard on Ashes and Invincible. Outside of that, virtually every mount I have is just something I found by playing the game in whatever way I am playing whatever character I am currently on lol. Sometimes I do pvp for like half the expansion, then get tired and jump back into raiding. Sometimes, now at least, I do mythic + (though nothing higher than like a +13 or even +12 lol).
Video game completionists make me feel weird…until I remember that this Azeroth is a second home for many people, including myself. We see it as a home-away-from-home, if you will. IRL, I went to Cordon Bleu in California for two years, studied under some peeps in Vegas and Cali, moved to Japan for a few years, moved west from Japan across Asia and Europe and Africa. Came back to the US, went back to school to become an Equine Therapist…then life fell apart, became disabled, and now I have a GF who is a Child Psychologist who also plays WoW. And I am only 31…
I mean, that’s just the shorthand version of my life. If you could see the bigger picture, you would never even believe that I exist as a human, or that I am even still alive.
However, I have found people with even stranger stories of their lives that are also true…
So why is it so hard to believe that some nerd spent that much time downing a raid for a mount?
I mean, in Pandaria…my Druid went 6 weeks without getting a single piece of raid gear. I had to go farm Klaxxi dailies…
But, as the kids say these days, life is based and gives no F’s about you or I.
A video game less so.
Go and play the game, and stop worrying about some mount. Either go farm it and accept the pretty generous 5% drop rate, or go play some other part of the game. I mean, after all…you only have the other 99.98% of the game to play…