Invincible is a problem

Yes. Some people were that unlucky. Statistically speaking, across such a large population of players it would happen to a few. As I said earlier, I had 4k+ attempts when they increased the drop rate.

Ok then lung cancer then. This will shut diwn your liver and kidneys. Is the cancer doing that? Nope has nothing to do with it. Its your body lying to you and shutting those things down in order to get your attention that a problem in your body exists that it can’t handle. Your body lies to you its what it does.

My casual wife got Mims Head on her first ever run of Uld. She refuses to use it.


What horse? You can’t even see it. Why are you going after it if its Invisible?
Kids these days.

Over the last many years I racked up well over 400 kills across accounts before I realized I’d crossed the threshold of feeling darkly about the experience, and that if Invincible did drop I wasn’t going to feel a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment. There are times a massive investment of time and resources over an extended period is worth it to me, but this was no longer it.

The fact that I’d been down that road before with so many other drops (often ending successfully) played a large role in coming to that decision.

I tried the “start a new character” and “start a new character on a new server” and “start a new account” things some have claimed worked magic, but no haps for me.

Ending the hunt for that mount was a significant WoW QOL improvement for me. It’s less about the drop rate than that I just can’t stand sinking that time into the same, repetitive and unrewarding experience over such an extended period of time.

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It is supposed to be that rare. It doesn’t take into account how many times you’ve done it. If it’s .77% then it’s .77% every time. Sorry your luck sucks.

That’s not how RNG works unfortunately. I’ve been farming ashes of alar for several years, on multiple toons. still never got it.

I know everyone thinks I’m a liar for saying I have over 2600 attempts and for good reason since the counter doesn’t reflect my claim, but If what you say is true that people didn’t get their item after 10k kills I think I’m just about done trying.

Oh, you’re fine. We’ve all misremembered, exaggerated, forgotten, or we’re right and there’s no way to prove it. I wouldn’t worry about it.

But keep trying. Just don’t burn yourself out.

Thats also not how it works. % or statistics work in sample sizes. What is the sample size? 10, 20, 100, 2000? This also is a contributing factor. Also how wow loot tables work. Its not kill boss roll dice see what drops. The loot is already determined the second you walk in and get a raid id. This was used by rogues in tbc allot to see if the raid id dropped glaives or not and then if it did would sit in the raid until raid time or zone out and in for a seperate id and look again. So that % is based on how many raid ids have that item and what your chances are of walking into that id.

So you still have a .77% chance of walking into an ID with an Invincible?

Hey buddy, how does it feel to know you did all of this for nothing?

You see, many of us use alts for forum posting because of trolls like you who go around stalking us and trying to dig for ways for why our opinion isn’t acceptable.

I know I’m using an alt. I haven’t been on Cenarius in YEARS! I do this because I’ve had trolls like you follow me in the game on level 1 toons on my main account’s realm, where I’m harassed for gasp having an opinion!

wait wtf? items are tied to raid id’s?

“I should be given this freaking mount by now.”

Once I got to that part I stopped reading.

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I think they should have gotten the mount by now. There should be a failsafe, if this person is willing to put in the statistical anomaly odds of dropping, then it should drop for them.

I’m sure as hell not going to put in 2,500+ attempts for something. lol, someone who does should get it. Doesn’t hurt me any, good on them for their dedication


Agreed. I’ll be honest, ran it on multiple alts for a long time too. Gave up. Occasionally I’ll run ICC. But as of now, I haven’t even wanted to play WoTLK Classic (which I originally looked forward to) because I can’t stand to look at Northrend. xD

I got him on my 11th kill :slight_smile:

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You are not locked in old content dear lord you want to farm the mount that is 100 percent your choice. And yes player power is relevant to the discussion on why the leggos had a bad luck system and mounts don’t. Just because it hurts your argument doesn’t mean it’s not relevant. Nice try again.

Entitlement is a strong drug. Put down the pipe.

I think that FF14 has a system for 1% drop chance stuff like mounts where each time you defeat them you always get some kind of token and 100 of these tokens can be turned into the 1% item. Would be nice if WoW adopted that system.