Invincible Farming

Hundreds of thousands of runs, no. But 2,597 runs across 10 toons, yes. 4 toons with over 300 runs each and another 6 toons with around 200 runs each. Already posted a screenshot of one of the 300+ run toons.

Never knew why everyone wanted Invincible. Looks kind of odd to me.

Seems like it, though for me it took a long time too, it didn’t drop until sometime around early Shadowlands, and I was running it on 6 characters since it could be soloed.

Now I wasn’t completely on point with it, sometimes I would only feel like running a couple or even one through, and skipped a couple weeks, but was fairly on point most of the time.

Naaa didn’t you know? It’s actually a guaranteed drop. You just can’t see it.

Jokes aside though, the mount WAS a guaranteed drop from every heroic LK kill while it was current content. Maybe the solution to not having to farm abysmal drop rates for years is to simply be part of a guild that actualy clears current content. Raiders in the guild I was in at the time had their choice of Invincible or Mimiron’s Head. Personally, I think Invincible and alll prestige mounts should have gone the way of the amani war gear and just have been made no longer available after the big pre-cata loot extravaganza content nerf.

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change it after you zone in

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Honestly though.

If they made it so legacy content for “rare” items incremented each time you looted/killed a NPC i don’t think it would be so bad. example: killed Deathwing, items that don’t drop increase their drop ratio by 10%. Meaning still low but no one should be spending years farming anything in this game. Especially things like flavor items/cosmetics/mounts when the new system and new content completely snuffs out old mounts.

Rarity is argumentative. Achievement dates are a thing.

No, there’s people who’ve been doing it for 10 years on 15+ characters. And then there’s people who’ve been deleting 4 drops of it in a week while farming their axes. I don’t know what to say.

So people who literally don’t have time to raid just get the middle finger then? Nice.

I got mine finally after over 2400 kills. No one has RNG as bad as mine was in ICC. Good luck!

Yeah, I got it on my first attempt where I ran it specifically trying to get the mount. Your just unlucky.

I did do a count one time…maybe a week or two ago someone posted the same thing about rare farming.

Firelands is my most farmed instance and that was only around 400 times before I had both mounts.

ICC was about 200 times.

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You know you can share raid lockouts, it’s dodgy in how you need to do it, but it can be done and saves you a ton of time.

But yes, you are super unlucky. I ran that place for 2 of the legendary axes and about 100 additional runs after that before it dropped for me.

i would normally say the same thing.

but op does have 25 runs on this character, i could give him the benefit of the doubt and say he has 25 x 10 characters hes put in somework.

Prove it. Heroic ICC is tracked on your character’s logs. I want to see the 1500 runs or you’re full of b.s.

Can thank WoD for that tbh… Many people have over 100mil on their accounts after that crap expansion.

I believe you OP

I was also insanely unlucky with firelands flame raptor. Thankfully could just run straight to boss on every alt, so it didn’t feel as bad

But rng is rng. My partner has gotten the red horse from karazhan on his first ever kill and the blue proto drake from his first ever clear of the dungeon as well. It just be like that :woman_shrugging:

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12 is not enough I run 21 toons a day in Zul grub and its the last mount i need to panada land… but 12 toons for invincible not even close to enough a week

I have way more than 25 runs, that was someone else posting in here.

I already have. Scroll up. Nobully reposted my screenshot of just one of my charcters with 334 recorded H25 LK kills. That is 1 of 4 with over 300 runs and then i have 6 others that have around 200 runs each.

thats depressing

Yeah 334 kills makes sense. It took me in the 200s to get it. The number that didn’t make sense to me was when you mentioned 1500 kills. That’s too much of a statistical outlier that it’s unbelievable.