Invincible Farming

Been farming for Invincible since WotLK. My first H25 raid during WotLK dropped the mount, I won the roll, the internet decided to cut out and the raid leader passed the mount to the next highest roller. Since then I have been joining H25 ICC raids every chance I got until we could solo the raid and have never seen the mount drop again. Every week running at least 6 different characters through up until Legion. Since near the start of Legion that count has gone up to 10 toons a week and since beginning of Dragonflight I am now running 12 toons through a week. I’ve done at least 1500 full runs of H25 ICC and still no mount. Am I just super unlucky?


It sounds like it. I think I had bad luck with around 100+ kills between all my alts. I wish they would implement bad luck protection at some point like, after 100 kills on account they should start giving bonus chances to get the mount if it doesn’t drop or something like that.


That would be an amazing thing to implement. Took almost a year to get Fandral’s Seed Pouch running 3 druids through Firelands every week. RNG hates me.

I’ve been farming Ashes of Alar, Mimiron’s Head and Invincible since raids were pretty much soloable. That’s atleast 500+ runs if not a 1000. Still nothing. I sort of gave up and run those raids every once and a blue moon to see if I get lucky, but I’ve stopped hard farming them awhile ago.


I’ve only killed Lich King 66 times in MoP/WoD but had enough and decided to farm gold and bought it from black market for gold cap of 1m at the time. These days I am farming Tusks of Mannaroth from Garrosh with lockout trick and bonus rolls. At around 650 kills across chars so far and I’ve seen some people who got theirs at 4000 kills which is very demoralising lol. I am considering farming gold to use the black market for them but gold cap is 10m now…


these threads are always full of chronic exaggeration.

i don’t understand the point.

sure, it may feel like you’ve run the raid a bajillion times… but go into your stats… take a look at the amount of runs per character.

It’s really not as many as it feels.

I think one of my fave threads was where the dude had been running “Mythic” Tempest Keep for Ashes. :smiling_face:


The odds of this number being accurate are roughly 2.8:10,000,000, or 2.8 cases per ten million scenarios.

(x) doubt

Remember people, do the math on your exaggerated claims before you post them.


Rng can be a b-- “female dog” at times.

At least that raid is fast to do. I have been farming soo for the mount and tusks every week over a few differnt charterers for many years still haven’t got them (kind of stoped in the last year, soo is to long and boring). On the flip side i have got quite a few under 1% drops from mobs i didnt even knew dropped rare items or rare items i didnt need/already had (like the toy gul’dan drops. Got it 5 times before i got the mounts even tho there % are the same)

Just keep it up. You wull get it one day

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Invincible, Mimiron’s head, etc all have a low drop rate chance like 1%. Yes your unlucky. get a 100 sided dice, and roll it many times as you wish…youll notice you almost never roll a 1 but 2-100 number aka no drop.


It just takes a really long time. I farmed it for so long too and it finally dropped just recently. One of the more ruthless farms out there. Mimiron’s head has also been that way for me.


Extraordinarily so. Well out past the point where it seems believable.

Regardless of my previous statement if you are farming ICC you need to go to youtube and type this “Hazelnutty lockout” into the search bar.

As far as I know Hazelnutty lockout doesn’t work anymore. At least I couldn’t get it to work. Took me 71 runs old school 10 runs a week. Decided to do it end of Shadowlands. “All the things” said I was slightly lucky at 71 runs.

Never tell me the odds!

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I did do the math. Ive been running this almost weekly ever since i can solo it. For average’s sake we will say 8 toons, 52 weeks in a year, WoD released in November of 2014 so lets to with 8 years, that figure will cover any missed weeks. 8 x 8 x 52 = 3,328. Due to character count changes and some missed weeks i took a figure that is less than half of the calculated figure for arguments sake.


25 kills on this toon.
where does that factor into the equation?

(yes, i’m going to pick… these threads are always overly dramatic, with people not being forthcoming with their “actual” stats)

feel free to drop some screenshots of your “actual” kills per character :slight_smile:

I’m going to take a stab in the dark, and guess that you’re maybe at about 200ish kills, max, across your entire account.

…but i’m always happy to admit when i’m wrong.

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Yeah sometimes rng is a -bleep-. I got Invincible in 20 tries but im still farming Taeschalech for example on multiple toons a week and nothing. 15 toons a week for almost 4 years before i got Sha of Anger.

How about this for evidence. This is just one of my (almost) every week runners.

Edit - can’t figure out how to get the image to show.

Must be.

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I’ve seen the drop rate stated to be 0.7%.

If you did 1500 runs the chance of not seeing the drop by then is 0.00265%. Realistically if you had to try to pick a number of runs to “guarantee” (obviously it cannot be guaranteed) you’d probably settle on at least 700 runs as you’d have a 0.7% chance of the mount not dropping by then.

This is where people get sussy about people stated kill counts. From a presentation standpoint you’re better off tallying up your toon kill counts like you did for the Nobully and stating that rather than trying to calc it because otherwise people will play devil’s advocate and argue that there were weeks you missed and forgot about.

Not that you need people’s approval I guess.

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I did not play at all during MoP because I was so angry when they removed talent trees. But I took at into consideration in my calculations. But that one druid has 334 H25 LK kills. That’s one of 4 with over 300 kills. Then i have another 6 with a little over 200 kills each.

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