Invicta (US - Area 52) CE Palace

He’s a bump man! skee ba bump bump boo bump.

Buried deep in the snow, he hoped his batteries were fresh in his avalanche beacon.

Still looking for a few good people, heading into raid tuesday

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What are you looking for? Do you need any healers or tanks?

Add me on disc or btag

In the entire animal kingdom, the duck-billed platypus, along with echidnas (ant-eaters), is the only mammal that can lay eggs. In addition to this unique ability, this animal has a highly developed sensor that can locate its prey (i.e., small invertebrates) through electroreception. Using their bill filled with sensors, the platypus can accurately detect the electrical impulses of their prey even in the deepest of waters.

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Bumping this post

Looking for more friends for tomorrow

Moose are HUGE! You probably knew that they were big, but I mean they are really big. The average female weighs 771 lbs (350 kg) and the average male weighs 881 lbs (400 kg). They can get up to 1,800 lbs!

Their average length is just shy of 8’ to just under 10’ (2.4m to 3.2m). A bull moose’s antlers can spread up to six feet from end to end.

I cheated while playing the darts tournament by using a longbow.

Like other rodents, capybaras’ teeth grow continuously, and they wear them down by grazing on aquatic plants, grasses, and other plentiful plants.

They also eat their own feces in the morning. That’s when their poo is protein rich from the high number of microbes digesting the previous day’s meals. Because the grasses they eat are so hard to digest, eating their waste essentially allows them to digest it twice

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come say hi friends

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Giraffe are already extinct in at least seven countries in Africa.

looking for an evoker and other exceptional players

What does a fox say? Foxes can make over 40 different sounds. If you’ve ever heard those scream like howls you will probably know the type of sounds we are talking about. Foxes can make a variation of screams, barks, and howls that can range from high pitched tones to lower tones to communicate different things.

Still looking for preferably ranged dps