Invicta (US - Area 52) is a semi-hard-core, cutting-edge focused guild, formed by a group of friends who have enjoyed raiding together for many tiers. We have come together to create Invicta with the aim of strengthening our raiding core with exceptional progression-minded players. We aim to improve our team’s speed each tier as we progress through the expansion. We’re all committed to having fun and playing to our highest potential in a respectful environment. Our goal is CE. We would love to welcome you into our community as we take on The War Within undermine
Raid Schedule: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9.00pm-11.30pm EST
Raid Progression: CE Narubar Palace
Recruitment Needs: Hunter, Warrior, DH, Rogue and all exceptional players, Raiders foremost. ***M+ players are welcome and encouraged. ***
What We Provide: Cauldrons/Feasts for all raiders. Repairs during raid times. A very friendly and active environment/guild that talks and plays games with each other not only in WoW but outside of the game as well.
What We Expect: Be Respectful: Raiding can be stressful, but we’re all here to enjoy and improve our experience. Drama or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Commitment to at Least One Character/Class: This includes playing outside of raid to have your character(s) geared on time, understanding your class’s damage/healing profiles, and performing to the best of your ability.
100% Commitment: This means making raids on time, taking responsibility for deaths/mistakes, being willing to help your fellow raiders, accepting feedback, and maintaining an overall positive attitude. General Preparedness: This includes coming to raid with appropriate consumables, studying fights ahead of time, installing any required add-ons/Weak auras, and reviewing any provided raid strategy before raid time. Thank you for taking the time to read the details above. If you are interested in joining our team, please reach out to one of our officers listed below or just say hi if you see us online!
[(5) Invicta • Area 52 • US |
Bnet: Decaf#11754 / Discord: Guuru
Bnet: Sam#15172 /Discord: Sam.17
Application can be found here: