Invicta (US - Area 52) CE Palace

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Komodo dragons are not dragons. They are in fact, lizards, and they are by far the largest lizards on Earth. These lizards can grow up to ten feet long (three meters), approximately the length of a small car. They’re heavy, too – they can weigh up to 154 pounds on average, but have been weighed up to 135 kilograms, which is approximately the same weight as a panda bear!

It was at that moment that he learned there are certain parts of the body that you should never Nair.

The black and white “tuxedo” look donned by most penguin species is a clever camouflage called countershading. When swimming, the black on their backs helps them blend in with the darkness of the ocean from predators viewing from above. Their white bellies help them blend in with the bright surface of the ocean when viewed by predators and prey from below.

Going from child, to childish, to childlike is only a matter of time.

Chickens ain’t got tenders.

There’s no reason a hula hoop can’t also be a circus ring.

Naked Mole-rat can operate their teeth independently. They can move each of their front teeth separately, like a pair of chopsticks.

Scat me if you want me, you can catch me if you can
Scat me if you need me, I’m the only Scatman
Scat me if you want me, you can catch me if you can
Scat me if you need me, 'cause I’m skee ap an doo dah

The blacksmith makes old-fashioned swords.

bumping this post because i want too

Can someone please teach me how to do the Safety Dance?

The view from the lighthouse excited even the most seasoned traveler.


It was a slippery slope and he was willing to slide all the way to the deepest depths.

Lets kill some spiders together

There was white out conditions in the town; subsequently, the roads were impassable.

Hello friends who wants to friends with me

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come say hi new friends