Invicta (US - Area 52) CE Palace

starting mythic this upcoming raid week

There’s no reason a hula hoop can’t also be a circus ring.

The bonobo is found only in lowland rainforests along the south bank of the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Closely resembling the chimpanzee in both physical appearance and mode of life, the bonobo is more slender, with longer limbs, a narrower chest, and a rounder head with a less-protruding face. Bonobos are not much smaller than chimpanzees: males weigh about 39 kg (86 pounds) and females about 31 kg, but both are the same height, standing 115 cm (3.8 feet) tall when erect.

Looking to add Warrior or Lock

Bump bump in the night

Come say hi new friends

Over 40% of cats are either left-pawed or right-pawed, just like humans.

The fish listened intently to what the frogs had to say.

Marmosets are a group of 22 species of small, long-tailed monkeys that are native to South America. They are also known as zaris or sagoin. Marmosets are tree-dwelling primates that have a squirrel-like appearance and move in a quick, jerky manner. They are the most commonly kept and traded species of primate. Marmosets are mainly found in the tropical rainforests of South America, with a few residual populations in Central America.

Marmosets stay mostly in the trees, where they can move around very quickly. They have claws on all their toes except the big toe .

the adult marmoset, each oral quadrant contains two incisors, a short-tusked canine tooth, three premolars and two molars, which results in a total number of 32 teeth .

Marmosets have soft and silky hair, and many have tufts of hair or manes on either side of their faces, which are sparsely furred or naked, according to the Animal Diversity Web (ADW). There is a wide variety of colors among marmosets, from black to brown to silver to bright orange.

Marmosets what now

Marmosets tend to stay in the treetops and behave a lot like squirrels. They have long tails — longer than their bodies, usually — but unlike other New World monkeys (capuchins and squirrel monkeys, for example), their tails are not prehensile; that is, marmosets can’t use their tails to grasp things. However, their tails do help them keep their balance as they scamper among the branches, according to the San Diego Zoo.

The manager of the fruit stand always sat and only sold vegetables.

Bump bump bump
Bump daddy bump

come say hi friends

Some cats can be born with “extra toes,” a condition called polydactylism. This rare genetic trait can occur in both domestic and wild cat species.

Common marmoset is considered the best species able to adapt to human changes in their environment.

Cats have 230 bones while humans only have 206.