Invasion of Ukraine: Are the Gates of Hell Being Open

Ok :slight_smile:

I think Putin is trying to get rid of some older hardware, take out a bunch of the staunchest Ukrainians, and claim large chunks of Ukraine. He might force a treaty through the barrel of his guns, and just take the Eastern part, leaving the western part in ruins but still independent. Putin doesn’t care how many of his people die, so it would be worth it to him.

I find it funny how people who bring up Biden and Obama being President while Putin expanded conveniently forget that Putin also invaded and divided a former Soviet member when Bush was president as well. Almost as if he has been working towards expanding his soviet empire before Obama was even sworn in.

As far as World War 3… I don’t see that happening because of Ukraine. Russia doesn’t have many Allies on that front. But if China uses the moment to move against Taiwan, and Russia encroaches on the Baltic States… that could do it.

I honestly think China feels they were cheated by this. I know I would if I were them. It was to be THEIR moment, doing well economically, hosting Winter Olympics, etc. Then this?

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lol yeah. the only reason Russia is relevant at all anymore is because of the gas and nukes. Soviet Union they ain’t

Alot of people are envisioning “World War 3” like a future worse version of World War 2, and this really couldn’t be further from reality. Technological capabilities have advanced far enough that vast swathes of information and resources can be controlled without firing a single shot

Yeah Putin doesn’t care who the president is. He’d probably prefer it was Trump right now but he was going to invade the Ukraine sooner or later and didn’t really hide it either.

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Oh this thread will end well.


That’s also pretty much wrong. Russia is extremely relevant far beyond resources, in fact they’re being targeted by western propaganda campaigns because Putin has actively defied the influence of NATO.

It may be that out politicians can’t get around to solving our own problems so they distract us by getting us involved with someone else’s problems.

I don’t know about that. Putin went to China at the start of the Olympics in what likely was a show of solidarity among autocrats…and to ensure they wouldn’t get ooked in the dooker during the invasion.

No one would care about Russia if it didn’t have nukes. Even NATO was starting to be considered a relic until Putin **** himself and invaded the Ukraine. Russia is not a super power anymore and the most it can do now is bully its neighbors.

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There’s alot more soft power and global influence behind NATO even if it seems archaic. The world is alot more complex than to be controlled purely by the legislation of a single entity. Everything is connected. Also, your take on the relevance of Russia in regards to nukes and nukes alone is really just plain wrong and a brief geopolitical history lesson would open your eyes to that


need to get that massive faceplam ascii in here

I wonder what Kim Jong-un is doing in North Korea right now while this is going on.

I wouldn’t worry about the thread ending. I’d be more concerned about the world ending.

Probably glad he didn’t give up his nukes like Ukraine did lol.

This scenario is exactly why NK will never give up its nukes because Ukraine did and they were invaded years later.

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Lots of generalizations and dumb supposition in this thread. Everybody wants to appear knowledgeable and relatable all the time, I admit I’m guilty of that as well.

If there’s something important we should be focused on, it’s creating a strong network of people around you in preparation for the worst

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The most well known forehead in all of the internet lol.

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