Invasion of Ukraine: Are the Gates of Hell Being Open

Except Putin has threatened Sweden and Finland as well as the baltic states. The latter are part of the NATO if I recall?
He also violated other things that can technically allow the NATO to intervene. I forgot the exact details though…

For one, Poland is a NATO state and that WOULD cause WW3 :P:

Aren’t you aware? Comparing everything to Hitler is the favorite tactic of anybody who wants to shut down a conversation.


Sabre rattling is different from actually doing it and geopolitics involves a lot of sabre rattling to see if the other side blinks first. He’s not going to invade either.

That seems to be it too. Whenever you see Putinbag there isn’t anyone within a hundred yards of the dude, even pre-Covid, well except that hockey debacle. It’s like small man syndrome turned into bullying a smaller entity.

Some actual history between Trump and Putin during his term.

During the post-election presidential transition period, Trump spoke openly about easing sanctions on Russia, which roughly coincided with Michael Flynn’s secret communications with Russia, which he would later lie to the FBI about.

Two weeks after his inauguration day, Trump talked about his “respect” for Putin. Reminded that the Russian autocrat is a “killer,” the new American president questioned his own country’s moral authority. “We’ve got a lot of killers,” the Republican said. “What, do you think our country’s so innocent?”

Two weeks later, top members of Trump’s team explored ways to lift sanctions against Russia.

Trump had only been in office for a few months when he prepared to reward Russia — apparently in exchange for nothing — by giving it diplomatic compounds on American soil that had been taken during the Obama administration.

The same month, Trump welcomed Russian diplomats into the Oval Office — at Putin’s request — at which time the Republican revealed highly classified information to his Russian guests for no apparent reason.

By July 2017, as Congress approved new sanctions against Russia for having attacked our elections, the Trump White House tried to weaken the legislation. The then-president grudgingly signed the bill — not because he supported it, but because it passed by veto-proof margins. He then issued a statement criticizing Congress’ proposal.

The same month, Trump had a private chat with Putin, after which the Republican announced plans to partner with Russia on an “impenetrable Cyber Security unit.”

In August 2017, the Russian government expelled 755 people from the American embassy and consulate staff. Trump responded by “thanking” Putin and saying he “greatly appreciated” the striking diplomatic move.

In early 2018, after Putin won a sham election, White House officials pleaded with Trump not to congratulate the Russian leader. The Republican ignored them.

A few months later, Trump appeared alongside Putin in Helsinki, lashed out at Americans he doesn’t like, and announced that he considered the Russian leader more reliable than his own country’s intelligence agencies. As 2018 neared its end, Trump lifted Russian sanctions.

In 2019, leveraged military aid to launch an illegal extortion scheme with Ukraine, personally forced out a capable U.S. ambassador in Ukraine, and called for Russia to be welcomed back into the G7.

During his re-election campaign, Trump also prepared to withdraw U.S. troops from Germany, which also happened to be in line with Moscow’s wishes.

All the while, Trump criticized NATO, expressed disdain for the European Union, and undermined democracy in the United States — which also put the Republican’s agenda in line with Putin’s plans.

Trump’s own director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, suggested to Bob Woodward that he couldn’t shake the suspicion that Trump was beholden to Putin.


Nobody wants to be the first one to pull the pin on that grenade lmao.

Everyone is well aware of what a war between some of the more modernly armed nations in the world means.

Why are these threads always started by complete geopolitical lightweight thinkers on low level alts?

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You have to stretch really hard to make that leap and you know you’re being intellectually dishonest when you’re trying to conflate “oh well he insulted a guy that by proxy complimented another guy by default” with actually praising someone.

Dissecting the garbage CNN article you probably got that viewpoint from:

Trump also sent an unmistakable message to Republicans, who are already playing into Putin’s hands by branding the current President as weak, that siding with a US foe is the way into the ex-President’s affections ahead of this year’s midterm primaries.

The ex-President added: “So Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s going to go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force,” Trump said.

So the issues with this. The first statement is a complete pull from nothing coupled with conjecture, but they’ve been making excuses for what is statistically likely to be a midterms loss for them because presidents tend to lose power in the midterms. Also calling someone weak does not mean you support everyone against them by proxy, that’s you offering your assessment. It’s like believing that saying someone is stupid is saying everyone smarter than them is a genius when this is far from the case.

The second, again not praise. He’s sarcastically jabbing at the fact they went in as “peacekeepers” which everyone with a brain knew was BS from the start but somehow it fooled enough people in power because it allowed them to mobilize much easier.

I thought kids leaving school understood the basic workings of a Trojan Horse, be that computer related or historically related.


Should also be pointed out Trump tried to weaken NATO constantly which is one of Putin’s primary goals.

Which is funny because most countries were tired of NATO and it probably would have slowly disassembled on its own if he hadn’t invaded the Ukraine like an idiot.

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I’m not sure you know the definition of war. I’m assuming you’re trying to describe nuclear annihilation, but there have been plenty of modern wars between advanced nations that haven’t resulted in that

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He’s calling the President of the United States weak and praising Putin for being strong. Sounds like praising Putin to me tbh

Not that it really mattered who the president was anyway. Putin was going to do this regardless. Though he probably would have preferred Trump still being president

i don’t understand power hungry maniacs. I just want to enjoy life and have fun while I make some money and make the world a better place. then you look at these world leaders and see the vilest of all scum. with the way politics work I don’t believe there is genuinely a single politician that can be morally considered a good person.


This is what I’ve been wondering about. What happens if the response to Russia’s actions are they (NATO + allies) stop trade with them? Wouldn’t that be more detrimental than whatever outcome they predict from not invading the Ukraine?

You may want to rephrase this as it is including low tier politicians as well. Unless you think the mayor of my town of 1400 people is a vile human bent on world domination :laughing:


Russia’s primary export is gas and Germany and other European countries rely heavily on those exports for heating and energy. They aren’t going to cut Russia off completely because they can’t without cratering their own economies in the process.

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I meant more on the federal level and to an extent the higher levels of the state level but yeah.

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Yeah I did (pretty much none) a little research on Russia’s exports, the US is also a significantly large importer of Gas from Russia
tinfoil hat

To be fair she didn’t suggest all politicians were vying for world domination. Those were your own words, and even if you were making a silly example it doesn’t make alot of sense to disagree with somebody based on a phrase you created for them