Introduce Yourself Here

Hello everyone! I’m Halite / Everpyre from Argent Dawn EU, stopping by with a trial character to take part in this wonderful endeavour :>

Although I have been playing WoW for 15-ish years, I haven’t engaged too much in so-called endgame content for a while, instead having been sucked into the roleplaying community - which I aim to try to represent! I still play the game on a regular basis, mostly doing daily and weekly content and probably fiddling around with some alts, and enjoy collecting things both for the sake of collection, and also to make roleplay more exciting.

Beyond that, I suppose I am a somewhat familiar face in the Argent Dawn RP community as I am part of an in-character newspaper project called the Lion’s Roar, but I am largely a fairly private and reserved person, working behind the scenes more often than not.

WoW is pretty important to me, and I really hope that my voice, and the voices I can elevate, can help it be as good as it can be, for everyone. I’ll be reading and commenting where I feel my input can be good, and I’ll likely create a few topics of discussion of my own down the line.

Thanks to Blizzard for this opportunity, and happy to see all you fellow councilmembers :>