I will say the trust system is fun in FF14. However it has a flaw that can be annoying…that’s when the npcs die to stupid. I don’t think wow players could handle that annoyance.
I literally had the healer npc in FF14 die on me 3-5 times just by not moving out of the way of mob attacks. Do you truly think WoW players have that kind of patience.
You mean the instance servers that are being utilized for Torghast? And the raids, and the island farming that is going to take place to get the mounts and mog?
How are they dying ive ran so many that ive gotten all my trusts to lvl 80 and ive never seen them die. the thing is Trusts is more of a casual system because most people will just grind the normal way anyways. While i personally maynot use it in wow if it was added i am a fan of options.
O trust me it happens. I literally watched the npc sat there in mid spell casting right as mobs showed the stuff on ground to avoid and boom dead. Just cause it never happened to you doesn’t mean it’s not possible. I grinded the normal way, made sure not to have things over pull,etc. I can’t control a npc that won’t move out of stupid. And I was a dps in that run… I’ve heard a lot of people talk about this happening or npc did something so silly in dungeons at least in my circle of people I’m around which is a streamer’s community. And these people do high end stuff.
My two cents. This kinda has already been implemented, althought not exactly how you are asking. One of the reasons that Garrisons were so hated was because it destroyed the many social aspects of WoW. It was really hard to do anything else when a lot of your time was spent in your “own” garrison building it up and having to do a lot of the things tied to it because it was very much necessary for the content at the time. It was a very solo experience and a LOT of us absolutely hated it for that. So although you want an “option,” that option could change the way the game is played for the rest of us if too many go npc teams. I agree, if you don’t like social aspects of an MMO you shouldn’t be playing one.
im on board with allowing us to fill non mythic raids with npcs
the community just going to drive a large portion of subs away with the whole gatelock after a week or two of mythic raiding and requiring max ilvl for normals so no causal player will be able to enjoy the game. i know its an MMO but the theory hasnt worked out thanks to the community itself and new players need all the help they can get
as a business blizzard need to think of how to keep people playing the game otherwise casuals will farm mogs then quit leavin just mythic raiders who log on twice a week for raiding again
social aspect of wow doesnt exist people just play with their 3-5 friend circle and ignore the rest of their guild until raid time
noone chats in heroics it just mass pull aoe move on
I did them with trusts to learn the boss mechanics and having NPC’s do it in-game in front of me was way better than looking up a youtube video where someone makes “jokes” while explaining boss mechanics poorly.
Trusts in FFXIV were a great addition, and WoW has the ability to do it. Heck they’ve already done it with scenarios and most recently the new leveling experience dungeon.
It could be tied to the mission table stuff too. You could literally take your followers through the dungeons and level and gear them. It would be really cool content for collectors, and raiders and pvpers wouldn’t need to do it if they didn’t want to.
I believe SWTOR has this as well, as I don’t play FF14 personally but sounds kinda similar. Idk if WoW needs it though but might be cool for older content like someone said.
They do, but what I notice is it is called “story mode” or something? And I did not get credit for doing the flashpoint for choosing to do it in this mode - it is still in my quest log.
I would be okay with this, but with old LFR being soloable I don’t see it as necessary for all old raids - maybe the ones where player mechanics (need multiple people) were required.
As for low dungeons - half the people here are complaining that people don’t know dungeons enough. Giving people the option to do stuff outside of a group isn’t going to help this.
The last thing the game needs is the ability to turn it completely into a single player game. I think I have been removed from a group maybe three times in all of BFA. So if you are being bounced so often that this is your solution, you may need to take a second look at why it is occurring. As I get the feeling the AI NPCs may still vote kick you