who even uses bots in ff14, they’re so weak and if you catch oneshot mechanic - it’s a wipe and healer can’t even res you. Easier to just queue with real people
He makes a sound argument though and you obviously hyperboling. Right now and after the initial rush to max level dungeon queues will be abysmal because of Mythic+
They do but it’s actually balanced in such a way so as to offer minimal advantage.
See, like most MMO’s FFXIV has a glut of players who exclusively play dps, and as a consequence dps players have very long queue times (like 30 min+).
The trust npcs who do the dungeons with you can do the dungeon… but they can’t do it without your input (you can’t simply go afk through the whole thing), and they do it abysmally slow without you playing your class well. And even playing optimally it still takes longer to clear with the NPC’s than it does with semi-competent players.
Still, dps ends up breaking even or even gaining a bit of time (depending on how well they play) by skipping the queue. If a good group takes 15 min to clear a dungeon, but you have to wait 30 min to even get in, that’s 45 min. If you go with the NPC’s and play well, you might take 35-45min to clear the dungeon.
Another good thing about the trusts is, it’s a great way to see a dungeon for the first time without the pressure of performing well in front of others before you’ve learned the in’s and out of the dungeon’s layout and mechanics. I know a lot of players in FFXIV, particularly tanks, who do the dungeons with trust NPC’s first so they can learn the lay of the lands before tanking for actual players.
There pretty useful for dps. its faster to use trust than to wait in queue for a party to run the dungeon. Second, trusts always do the mechanics properly and if you die its 100% your fault vs. getting matched with someone who dies and wipes the group(has happened several times).
Probably depends on data center. I’ve never gone past 15 minutes as DPS.
even with waiting time - it will be much faster to complete dungeon with real players. Bots literally worthless.
Well I’m on the Aether datacenter, and while dps queues aren’t always that long, I have seen them creep up past the 30 min mark at times.
Just factually wrong. If your wait time is over 10m its faster to run with trusts.
Yeah, I’m on Crystal. We probably have a ton of people running as tanks and heals lol.
tank-bot will never aggro more than one pack, geared players just gather entire dungeon for aoe.
You arent gonna be “geared” in leveling dungeons, in fact most people you queue with arent. Obviously if you run with a pre made its faster but i am not talking about premades.
The tank-bot might not pull multiple groups, but you can pull them to the tank-bot who WILL grab aggro on them. The AI is sufficiently competent enough to know when something is attacking the player and it does make an effort to grab its attention.
With that said, you probably shouldn’t pull more than two packs at a time with the trust NPC’s unless you’re the healer, since the healer-bots aren’t always able to keep up in the way a player might.
You are also assuming the following of other players:
They are appropriately geared
They know the mechanics
They know their Rotation(both AoE and ST)
The Tank will pull more than 1 group at a time
No one will AFK
And my retort to that would be “do you know the FF14 Community?” Because i get at least 2-3 of those if not more per run ON TOP of waiting 10m+ to get into the dungeon.
FF has AI for PVE, WOW has AI for PVP content.
ofc you will be, there’s a higher chance to get just max lvl people running duties than some new players
I don’t need this
I would argue the validity of this statement.
Every statement on GD = the majority of the playerbase.
A. not true, its late in the tier the only people you will see doing those dungeons will be people trying to level or gear(mostly level). B. You have higher odds of getting an under geared person. C. The game caps your item level in dungeons anyways.
Uh…wow the amount of server resources this would take up is…profound.
Would you be willing to pay more every month? Or perhaps have this as an individually paid service?
Dungeon servers if anything are being underused and will especially be the case in shadowlands when M+ loot gets gutted. Why would you think you would have to pay more on servers when these servers supported a much larger playerbase with less resources?