Introduce FF14 style Trust system in wow please

In all honesty, what they should do is allow you to queue with NPCs for dungeons like in FF14, I am sick of having to do dungeons with people, they should allow NPC’s for dungeons and all LFR raids that are previous patch content, we need this, as one of the most common complaints in this game is people getting kicked from dungeons and whatnot.

Also I don’t want to rely on queing with other people for lowbie content, without a system where you can give a commendation like in that other game, nobody has any incentive to do something nice for new players anyway.

I am biased though, as in all seriousness, I don’t want too much of my wow game time to involve other people, just keep the mandatory interaction with other people for current tier raid nights, you can make it so the NPC’s suck slightly more then skilled players, so you still have incentive to queue with other people, but I know the same old dungeons get so boring after a while, especially now that you have no flexibility anymore on which expansions dungeons you can level in, I know I’m sick of all the dramas with farm-level content, and want to be able to play my game while checking my emails and talking to my friends outside of wow you know what I maen?

Only when Blizzard does this will these tears of people getting kicked from dungeons stop.

Think about it please Blizzard.


Yeah, next they should make raids only have NPCs too, but they are just some lowly guys called “Soldier 1” “Mage 3” etc so you feel even more important about being the MIGHTY CHAMPION OF AZEROTH, THE GRAND MAWWALKER, THE LEADER OF YOUR ORDER HALL.

I mean, I understand getting upset, I am struggling to find a single progression guild in WrA so for the most part I have just been raiding and doing M+ through pugs and most of the times after I finish a pug I just quit the game and take a 2-3h break to cooldown the stress, but if anything they should lean towards making WoW more social, not less, I mean, if you want some Singleplayer games with great lore, Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls Series are great, if you want some turn-based RPGs, I can’t recommend Divinity Original Sin I & II enough.


No current tier raids you should still have to team up with other people as that’s the end-game, only for leveling content, and only current tier content you should be able to use NPCs is dungeons.

they should lean towards making WoW more social, not less

But that ship has already sailed, the PUG community is full of elitist jerks now, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.


Yeah, they are, which is fairly normal for any Multiplayer game? If pugs are that annoying to you, then maybe you should find a guild that people don’t act like jerks, you don’t play on a RP server, you probably have a bunch of M+/Raiding progression guilds available, it shouldn’t be hard to find one after typing “LF (insert type of guild here) Guild” in Trade Chat every few minutes.

You’re playing the wrong genre of video games.


Please no. this is a mmorpg, I dont want it to turn more into a singleplayer game.


Guild drama can be even worse.


It’s fascinating how many people try to justify why they shouldn’t have to play the game they claim to want to play.


With the way XIV queues work, the trust system makes sense. For WoW queues and composition however, it doesn’t. I’d like more development on the area challenges like Draenor/Legion/BfA (somewhat) had.

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I’m good with that. Less time I have to wait to queue in the better. I dont join guilds I don’t waste their time. Im not here to get friends, ill do the content with other and when finished be on my way. Don’t need to chat or hang out. I don’t mind randoms, just would like quick queue times so I don’t have to wait long to do the content.

Times change a lot of people like to solo things now. Not all of us have to walk 5miles in the snow barefoot to get to school. No harm in people wanting to team up with their guild and do content but solo players like me who cares what I do. I don’t hurt your game you don’t hurt mine.

but it does hurt the game, because the moment this feature is implemented, people will start doing it if it yields the same gear rewards as playing with other players. essentially marking the game as officially singleplayer with multiplayer features.

I dont know why people are so insistent on turning mmos into singleplayer games. there are millions of singleplayer rpgs to play. there are only 4 mmos.


Blizzard: *roll dice. The dice says “No”.

The dice have “No” on all faces.

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Nah. LFD is fine.

We don’t need big brother to moderate random groups for us, like the snowflake FF does where you can’t even tell someone their dps is poor without getting banned lmao.


does FF really do that? yikes lol.

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Why does it hurt you. You assume no one will team up with you? Will guilds just go away? No, come on be real nothing will change. Ffx prob still doing good. Some people hate to group up not a big deal. Wow will still be fun just for solo players too. I solo old content, I’m sure many do as well, did that hurt your game?

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some people shouldn’t be playing an MMO then.


Because the quality of people has declined over the years, I remember 10 years ago there were a lot more nice people around then these days.

These days people are selfish, narcissistic, and only care about themselves and what they want, so no point teaming up with other people outside raids.


Ah the old dont play my game unless you play my way talk.


Yes, guilds will go away. if you can login and just do every type of content without speaking to anybody in an mmo than you’ve basically created a singleplayer game.

so then go play ffxiv, I dont know why ffxiv are so insistent on turning wow into ffxiv, if ffxiv is so good. apparently it isnt. lol almost like being handed everything because its glorified singleplayer makes a game boring. who would have thought it.

soloing old content =/= soloing current content.

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It will. Since you eliminate the human factor out of the game (other players), you eliminate difficulty (people screwing up), then the easiest way to get things done will be solo playing. The game over the years has proven that players will always take the fastest or most convenient path to their goals.

People are already simulating how much time it will take you to fully gear up only doing pvp. The conclusion was that mythic dungeons+ will still be the fastest way to get gear, therefore people will choose to do mythic dungeons