What’s worse than completely destroying dungeons?
actually currently on the beta feral is mid tier (the bottom of mid tier but still mid tier)
subtlety rogue is still going strong as the #1 dps class in shadowlands thogh
Thats good to hear.
LOL but wow is dying right? People are saying that Ion is going to kill it. Based on your numbers. Ide say he is doing a hell of a job…
ive never said it was dying.
its nowhere near what it used to be but its still the number one mmorpg just basedf off player population. and has been i think since it came out so
I really enjoyed the simplicity of henchmen in Guild Wars 1 (and the expansion eventually having them be sort of customizable)
In terms of how they behave, it’d be pretty similar to the AI for islands, not great but if they just set them to follow the player and engage as a pet of sorts when the player took action, it’d probably be just fine.
It exists in FFXIV because the dungeons and raids are mandatory to continue with the game and queues for some of the older stuff are regularly 20-30 minutes for DPS, thus stonewalling playtime entirely at frequent points throughout the leveling process. They are not mandatory in WoW for anything, so such a system is not needed. I don’t think encouraging playing an MMO alone is a good thing if there’s not an obvious problem being solved by allowing it.
(Edit: Legion is the exception)
I think its ok for those dungeons tied to a story so they can finish the story. Legion was notorious for this. You want to finish the zone you had to do the dungeon. BFA didnt really do this and I have not tested SL to see how that works out there.
idk why you all think wow should never change. wow is just a stale old game that addicts can’t put down including me. the way wow is now is not growing the game at all and ya i don’t have the numbers but you know it and i know it there really needs to be some kind of big changes for this game to ever grow instead of just the old cranky people still playing.
It’d be awesome indeed but WoW devs would prob not care cause other players would complain “its killing social interactions!!!” like there ever is any left that isn’t toxic.
False, FFXIV is the same genre of WoW and made trust system work very well. I did shadowbringers dungeons with the trust system and it was a lot of fun.
One thing I would like to point about about FF14’s Trust system, while running it the first time is great for helping you learn the mechanics of that dungeon, beyond that it’s more advantageous to run with other players. While Trust NPCs are programmed to do the boss mechanics correctly, they are deliberately made to do less damage than actual players (Thereby making the dungeon take longer), and Trust dungeons will also give less loot and (I think) less EXP. This ensures that the Trust system is primarily used as a learning tool, and not as an excuse to avoid grouping up with other players when farming.
It should change, but not the core systems that made it what it is. If people are not happy with that, there’s FFXIV as an option, by how people keep praising that game I don’t understand why they do not migrate fully to that game.
Mythic raiding and mythic dungeons are still popular both in-game and with streaming. Wold first races are fun to watch. If they add solo mode for group content like a new mode appart from LFR, then that mode should award lower ilvl gear than LFR, I doubt you can do much in game with such low ilvl.
Torghast is the best option for solo players as you can solo that content, so pray for that to be successful and not just another discarted system.
This sounds like a safe space bubble concept. I can see benefits coming from it, but perhaps they should take another method for people kicking for fun or other abusing purposes.
No…it doesn’t. You can keep que’ing with others. The downside is the runs are much slower because the npcs have a certain power balance. Players will surpass and do much better dps. For someone who needs to afk suddenly if something comes up…they could afk and come back without a problem with npcs thought.

they could afk and come back without a problem with npcs thought.
Yes, that would suit me as I like to be able to alt tab and look at my emails to keep an eye on my life outside of wow you know what I’m saying here?
Also there’s been countless threads the past week of people complaining of being vote kicked from dungeons, we need a solution to that problem

ff14 isnt a real mmorpg
wrong that the most ignorant thing anti-FFers would say.

there are only 400k players worldwide who play the game actively rn
Wrong and show me evidence. Cause to me you spouting crazy. As well as my source shows more than 400k are currently active.

theres like 8 million registered accounts for wow but only like 4 mil are actually activ
You dont have proof of that. So really stupid to say numbers that you have 0 evidence or knowledge of just to try and prove your right.
Seeing as I love the Trust System, I think this would be an excellent addition.
I would however suggest loot be enhanced in a normal group as an incentive.

I am sick of having to do dungeons with people
Have you tried single player rpgs? Seems like they would be a better fit then trying to take the mm out of mmo.
I like the game it’s the quality of player that’s declined over the years in my opinion