Except the big mac or nuggets option doesn’t exist for Alliance players at all. Two options for Horde, one for Alliance. It doesn’t matter if you liked it or hated it or it meant nothing to you, there is an uneven number of choices there.
You can’t conjure something that flat out doesn’t exist, no matter how hard you try. You can toss in unrelated things all day too, but it won’t change the facts.
Yes, she talks a big game about choice and free will, but that only applies to her. She is completely fine with preventing even her own forsaken subjects from choosing to use their old human names, keep mementos from their prior lives, preventing them from living in the remains of their above ground ruins and home of Lordaeron and instead forcing them to live in the undercity. She is completely fine with murdering forsaken who dared to choose to meet some of their surviving human relatives in the Arathi Highlands.
She wants free will, but only for herself. She doesn’t care about anyone else, they are all “arrows in her quiver”.
If she had some big plan to fix the mechanics of death, in an effort to promote free will and choice, why did she keep it a secret from everyone? Why didn’t she come to the Horde and Alliance and lay out what she knows, and ask if anyone wants to choose to help her?
No, she would rather start wars, murder people, betray people, cause untold suffering, rather than literally ask anyone if they want to help her fix the shadowlands as she understood it.
This is all a horrible disservice to what should otherwise be an amazing character. Honestly, her story should have ended after ICC.
You don’t get it. Regardless of what the horde ordered, we get the same option. That is not an option. Oh and I noticed you ignored your Honeyback faction added mid xpac that turned a zone into a social hub for months and provided content that the horde did not get and couldn’t get. Man that sure sounds better then a choice that doesn’t change anything.
I made an Alliance toon so I didn’t ever have to feel like I was missing out on something. You could always do the same. It isn’t like you bought a different version of the game from Horde players- the content is available to all.
Again, you feel it was inconsequential for you and that’s fine, but it doesn’t change that it exists.
The bee? It has absolutely nothing to do with my original point.
I know you’re desperate to find an unrelated target to distract from the issue, but that was due to a whole other unrelated issue where horde got 3 separate models (two of them brand new for the game at the time for mounts) for their rep mounts and Alliance got 3 recolors of something that already existed since vanilla.
Hyenas and the spider things didn’t exist as mounts before that.
And now you’ll wanna argue about how there were recolors of those that were an RNG option with a low drop chance, but Horde also got access to horses with RNG drops. The bee should have been one of our 3 rep mounts from the start, but Blizz messed up and they admitted they messed up.
Congrats. You completely took my point to argue about something that has absolutely nothing to do with it.
The choice between being a loyalist or saurfang has nothing to do with me as an Alliance player because I don’t follow either. Choosing between say Tyrande and Anduin would be something. Making a toon just to pick something from the opposite faction that is purely story related would be silly.
If you’re talking about the toy, if I wanted it I would go make a Horde alt to get it. Just like a loyalist could use an alt to go get it. I don’t think I have the toy since I didn’t touch Horde, and I’m not complaining about it.
It exists, but has not impact which means you are complaining about a few lines of text.
You are complaining about something the horde got that alliance did not. Do you need a picture to show how ridiculous that is compared to what else Alliance got?
The issue is that you are complaining about a few lines of text as options horde got, while ignoring the entire faction, quests, and events that Alliance got.
No, your point was that a few lines of text with no impact means anything.
I really, really, really don’t care. WoW has never been about the story as its primary focus and it still isn’t, if you expect high quality narrative here then you’re being foolish. Take a step back and take on the mindset that WoW story is there to give you reasons to fight stuff and open up more content for you to play around in. It functions by rule of cool and that’s pretty much it.
From the very first release WoW didn’t even have an overarching story, in classic you had multiple little stories going on in the background but not much else.
Fact: Horde have two options for their loyalty in BfA. Alliance have none.
Your opinion: it doesn’t matter, except one gives a toy and one doesn’t, but it doesn’t matter at all.
By the way. Wasn’t there a loyalist cutscene?
Since I didnt play Horde, I don’t know if it was available to all Horde players in the game but since it’s labelled specifically I have a feeling it depends on which option you chose.
I see what you’re saying, I don’t think we should expect the best writing as far as story telling goes, but it would also be nice if we didn’t have to expect “the worst”. Maybe the story telling isn’t what it’s about for you, but that’s not the case for everyone.
I can’t speak for Ham but what I was getting at was that the Alliance and Horde aren’t always going to get the same stuff equally. They aren’t writing the same story twice, once for each faction. Ham used the example of the bee faction and all that came with it to highlight that.
If you don’t want to play Horde, that’s great for you. I can’t feel that bad for you though if you feel like you’re missing out on any form of content, because by your own admission that’s on you.
Two options that did not impact the story at all. Do you need a picture?
So you are again complaining that the horde got an option the Alliance did not get, but ignores what Alliance got that Horde did not. You just want everything.
With the sorry state of writing in this expansion it would not surprise me if the burning of Telradssil will turn out to be a hoax helped along by Chromie so Sylvannas could “pretend” to be the bad guy.
I mean, it’s an opinion piece. It’s his opinion. I don’t know what he was expecting if he was looking to World of Warcraft for nuanced, deep story. It is, and has always been, tropey and full of MacGuffins and senseless heel-face-heel-face-heel turns.
Also he calls her “Slyvanas” multiple times throughout the article, so.
I’m so tired of her face. I don’t even care if she lives or die, i just want her out of the history. I want to see other characters in cgi cinematics that aren’t Sylvanas. And if they try to make me side with her for the “greater good” i’m out.