Interesting PCGamer article about the cinematic

Opinion piece that isn’t even completely accurate literally called sylvanas Warcrafts worst character lol she was universally loved before bfa and has long been a fan favourite, also players is to broad a term as from what we know from the few thousand players that have shown their opinion some like me do not hate it and its impossible to know the thoughts of the silent majority which is in the millions.


Seems sensible to me given how poor the writing is at the moment. I suppose one bum’s trash is another bum’s treasure.

You said it right, she WAS, not anymore. She is a very inconsistent character now to say the least. And is absurd how much protagonism she is getting for THREE expansions in a row. Is just ridiculous at this point.


You know what game does have a good story and is also critically acclaimed… :smirk:?


That whole article is sufficiently damning, several times over. I hope some people in Anaheim take the criticism to heart, but I have a feeling they’ll do exactly the opposite of what they need to do, and instead petulantly double down.

This snippet especially hits the mark:

Shadowlands has a serious problem with not giving players enough information to actually care about events as they unfold. It’s just one cliffhanger after the other, and when you string players along for two expansions, it starts to feel like Blizzard is stalling in the absence of having a story worth telling.


You hear that Horde players? You’re all complicit

I have loved playing this game, and especially loved the story and lore part of it.

But I have to agree with the writer when he said:
I'm quickly reaching the point where I no longer care about this universe or the people who inhabit it—and that consequently makes me wonder why I'm even still playing. And judging by the negative response to its latest cinematic across WoW's different online communities, I don't think I'm the only one.

I want to care, because I have enjoyed the game and story for a very long time, and I have made a lot of friends, but BFA and now this makes it very difficult to do so.

I hope the game makers realize this and right the ship. They can still do that (if they really want to). They just need to find the passion that inspired those who created the game and put that passion to work.


And as you seem unable to grasp, popularity does not equal quality despite of what you’d like to think.

It’s like saying someone good looking is automatically a good person, or that someone ugly is automatically a bad one.


well there was upvotes don’t mean it was terrible you just didn’t like it. well not every writer is going to please everyone just like devs don’t don’t mean it’s straight trash just cause you don’t like it. there’s lots of other books or whatever you don’t like does it make it bad no give it a break and move on some of you drag the garbage out forever just cause you didn’t like it.

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It seems like many people making these posts about WOW’s decline, or Blizz devs or everything like that are a bit obsessed with seeing Blizz and WOW fail. They just salivate over anything negative, similar to how people do the same over anything related to a certain former president of the US.

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Shadowlands is so bad, the only redeeming thing about it is the raid. We deserve better after the shlt show that was BFA. At least we have FFXIV and TBC

I keep hearing it from forum supporters of unpopular blizzard decisions. Excuse me if I’m wrong and you actually understand that the number of players disappearing from our friends’ list and the world around us suggests that people are leaving the game.

…Bro I was seriously talking about character designs when you responded to me

I do hope my apology to you did not get lost in the ton of responses in this thread.

Yes, I’m sorry. I tend to post at work, so sometimes a project lands in my lap that takes my attention away. I can’t ever be mad at a blueberry elf :slight_smile:

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its not a hate or love it thing at all - i was joking with a work colleague about ‘did you watch the latest cinematic’ and i said they need a caption under slyvanus ‘im fine now!’ and we both laughed - we didnt hate it but we laughed at how ridiculous it was…


There are friends of mine who hate WoW’s direction so much they won’t even talk about it. That’s how bad its gotten imo.


Yeah was universally loved, she’s still a well loved character only people who don’t like her are a. people who take this game way to seriously b. misogynists that don’t know what a mary sue is and c. People like this “journalist” who hate everything about WoW

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pc gamer use to be tops imo but since the money trail has reached them…9.0 they said was awesome!!,great!! and a bunch of other good stuff…it wasnt…some servers couldnt even play and was /still is full of bugs.i’m sure some $$$$ changed hands over there but,
the polish game studio with that buggy open world game with game breaking bugs got bashed…my guess is so called polish gaming company didnt contribute to that money trail.

The article makes a good point about Blizzard just stalling for time. This whole mess is either them not actually knowing how to end what they started in BfA or at best a bad info dump at the end of Shadowlands.

I am personally just tired of being strung along. What is worse is every patch they go “dont worry, this time Sylvanas is dropping her mask, you will definately find out what she wants”. It just outright lies at this point.