The attendants are so bloody boring. They’re not characters. They’re cheap exposition and Blizz wants us to care for some reason about them.
Fatescribe getting yoinked by dreadlords? Saw him for all of two seconds. Why should I care?
The Keeper of Secrets fighting to help the other attendants and they seem surprised as if he went thru some character arc that wasn’t there? Don’t care.
That isn’t actually correct. You need to be signed in to vote, so you are assuming everyone who watched it has a google account and just chose not to vote. Also you cannot vote while watching an embedded video, so there is a good chance many if not most of those views came from people watching it on other sites.
I used to have an understanding of Sylvanas’s character before they decided to turn her into a monster to pander to Alliance horde haters.
Complex characters are turned into monsters so they can be killed off, with many outside purchases of media to buy to understand why what happened happened. Those with actual personality don’t fit into the new model of the game. If you feel better with 1 dimensional cartoon characters going through the motions, you’re the target demographic.
So clearly proof that everybody loves the story and there are 16 million players playing the game right now. You guys keep telling us that nobody has ever quit, maybe I should use the lifetime figure which is 110 million accounts.
Really? Your annoyance was the inconvenience to Horde players when it comes to her crimes? The players who at least got to choose which side they were on internally, which is something Alliance players have never had?
When Thrall says it, it kind of sounds like he’s saying Karen Anyhow what the funny part in all these spam Sylvanas threads is people that say they, or people they know are quitting the game over it
Imagine two lines at McDonalds. One line can only order a Big Mac, while the second line can order a Big Mac or Nuggets, but will still only ever get a Big Mac. Now imagine someone in the first line complaining that the 2nd line can order two things.
Oh also the bee faction, toys, pets, events, and mount would like a word. Alliance got by far the most added unique content and yet still complains over the scraps the horde got.