Interesting PCGamer article about the cinematic

Joke’s on you. I hate both equally.

Mainly Baine lately because he’s a big lumbering joke.


Yeah, and that’s the level of writing Warcraft has always had.

It was never great.

But now it’s simply worse.


I personally like that Baine has just been sitting in Oribos doing nothing, so that Blizzard’s grubby hands can’t ruin another good major lore character. That’s how bad the story has got for me, I’m actively crossing my fingers that my favorite characters don’t get story time so they don’t get ruined like Sylvanas.


I’ve been playing WoW since 2005. The story has always taken time to play out. The problem with many WoW players today is they want everything now and don’t want to give the story time to unfold.


Dude even with the scraps we get they haven’t explained much

The Jailer ( Who we don’t really know anything about, but don’t worry ) got all the Sigils ( What we don’t really know nothing about, but don’t worry ) to open ( We don’t understand how, but don’t worry ) the way to the Sepulcher of the First Ones ( Which we don’t really know anything about, but don’t worry ) to utilize some First Ones technology ( Who we don’t know anything about, but don’t worry ) to unmake reality ( Which doesn’t really mean anything, but don’t worry )


I remember reading the old books scattered throughout Scholomance pre Cataclysm and learning more about WoW’s lore than many players know to this day.


Thing is, he still has yet to show that he is a “good” character.

His only shining point was that one quest when he goes to the edge between Mulgore and Stonetalon to confront the Grimtotem.

It’s been nothing but him bending the knee to his Alliance overlords ever since.

Oh yeah, waiting it out sure helped in WoD and Legion…


…That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about but go off I guess


Legion had an amazing story. I didn’t play WoD so I can’t comment on how things played out there.


The point was there is more lore within the game than players think if you know where to find it.

I guess I can expect as much from someone who thinks that popularity = quality.


And where is that for Shadowlands?

Oh right. Nowhere.


Well I beat you by at least 6 days :slight_smile: but i am sure some beta testers will beat me…

This is a new problem since wrath. IN vanilla you didnt have these major stories like today. Onyxia was nothing like Sylvanas. But they did however, had quest chains to unlock things that brought everyone up to speed in game.

Or like in BC where most zones literally were just telling you the story working you up to each raid.

Wrath did bring in the over arching story and it worked because Arthas.

Blizz is great at ZONE stories and worldbuilding.

They just cant do the character stuff well.


I’m starting to get the same vibes when people discuss Tokyo Ghoul…

“This anime bit makes no sense!”

“It probably does in the manga.”

It’s basically the same as “Go read books, that should help, right?”

Quality is the overall value and substance of anything. Yes, popularity does equal quality.

There is this thing called datamining, believe me, we know where to find it sweetie.

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You sound like the kind of person who considers chicken nuggets to be “fine dining”.


…Can’t really respond because I don’t know what Tokyo Ghoul is.

I’m also trying to recall if any anime I do know has had that issue with manga. I suppose Beastars since they removed the scene where Louis points a gun at Bill. Meh.

That’s definitely possible. Though I think it’s fair to say that most of Arthas showing up was more designed to be fan service so to speak, rather than making players fear him. Though I can see the point of others feeling that way.

Personally even from my standpoint, they could have tweaked the writing to have him show up as much as he did and still be terrifying, yet humanize him somehow. But, that is up to perspective I guess.

Wrath is still accepted as one of the best expansions in the game though, both from story and gameplay as well as a systems standpoint for many. Not all, but many. It’s not my top pick but it’s up there for me.

The one thing I do know is this. I felt like my character in Wrath mattered. It was ME that brought down Arthas with my friends. Not one of the NPC’s.

I haven’t felt like that in regards to the story since. Which is dissapointing to me as I long for those days again.

Even taking down Nzoth didn’t bear anything close to the weight of that.

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