Interesting PCGamer article about the cinematic

Exactly. There actually is a lot of lore within WoW that players just simply skip over or never find. They always only look at the surface level details and try to make conclusions rather than having a full understanding of the character in question.

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I’m not saying enjoying the game it’s invalid.

But I know that person in particular for twisting literally anything to explain how “achktually” it means that Blizz is doing a stellar job.

There is personally enjoying things, and there is taking every single screw up and doing twirls through hoops to defend them.


I’ve read every single WC in game blurb, read my WoW texts, read every novel, watched every cinematic and IGCS, and have played for over 20 years going back to pre-WoW WC.

I too feel the writing is… lacking…

Fenny’s statement is a blanket statement, and one that holds very little weight.


How? She’s had 2 whole expansions worth of exposure, that’s not enough to build a character?

And yeah the split-soul thing is a random Deus Ex Machina they pulled out of nowhere as an excuse to reuse Uther, Arthas and of course open a possiblity to redeem Sylvanas to keep milking her.


A disaster since day 1 eh? I’m guessing you’ve never seen crowd reactions to literally anything Sylvanas. She’s also probably one of the most if not the most cosplayed WoW character ever. I really do believe most WoW fans love Sylvanas. They’re just not all here saying they do. But sure enough a few people who hate her will make 50 posts a day saying they hate her and suddenly it creates a narrative that most WoW players don’t like Sylvanas.


That said, I’m not going to subjectively whine about specific plot devices, make nasty personal attacks on Blizzard staff members, or gawd forbid condone in any way death threats and violence upon anyone.

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So here is the really sad part about this writiing. Sylvanas character can be anything from when Arthas killed her till now and go 1000 different directs because “she was mind controlled”.

I mean she was willing to force Derek Proudmoore to serve but once it hit her? no way.

I mean even Baine fought her to try to hold onto the main philosophy of the FOrsaken that she “forgot” or had mcguffin’d away


All I will say is this.

This is just a hypothetical example, and may go against the root of the character but I am trying to make a point.

Imagine for a moment if we, the player, our character that we work so hard on and invest countless hours into, was the equivalent or Nathanos to Sylvanas. Or something close to that.

Imagine if in that vein, during Legion and BFA, we fought alongside her. Ran missions with her, fought against the greatest of odds and came through by the skin of our teeth alongside her. Had cutscenes and story that made us grow alongside her and truly had us trusting in her. Forsaken players alone would have killed for this.

We don’t even have to be side by side, she could be tackling impossible odds to buy us critical time to complete a mission only we can do, or communicating to us during the mission and just giving us agency. Making us feel like we matter.

Imagine now all of that, leading up to the cinematic that is being discussed, and all before that. How much more impact would Sylvanas had felt at our betrayal? How much more pride, would those who stayed loyal to her have felt up to this point if story had been played out with us having agency alongside Sylvanas?

I am curious if folks will stop and ponder on this and the possibilities, and think on how much more important, and impactful our journeys have been, and the story would have been, if that effort and method of storytelling had been used, leading up to this point.

I’d wager a helluva lot more emotional, for sure, in comparison to this.

Edit: Spelling and Grammar

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That’s completely dishonest to brush people bored with nonsensical writing as “haters”. It actually pisses me off because she used to be my favorite character.


If anything, reading quests text have made it all so, so much worse lately.

And? How does that make her any less of a disaster?

You think popularity equals good quality?

I used to be one of those even with all her inconsistencies, and even then I knew that her character was a disaster, because I’m capable of not liking something blindly.

Have you thought that maybe is not about the character itself, but about how awful the writing in general has been?


Honestly? I think they were afraid of re-doing the Arthas bit in Wrath where everyone complained they saw too much of him to the point he was no longer scary

My opinion holds equal weight to yours.

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In the context of trying to make a point, blanket statements do hold any weight. That’s what makes them blanket statements, they have no quantitive value.

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Ummm… yes… popularity does equal quality. What you think all those people who cheer for Sylvanas at the top of their lungs and collect everything thats available for her think she’s the best thing ever but also lacking in quality? Umm… ok…


/10 chars


I wasn’t making a point. I was stating an opinion in agreement to Aerisala.

Via a blanket statement… I don’t think you understand how this works.


I love Baine. So guess you are not so right about everything. But then again I know this is just a game and the story tellers did a terrible job with this story line.


And one that has very little basis on, well, anything.

Every patch, no matter if it’s a new xpac or a filler patch, my guildie whom I’ve been leveling with since 2010 knows that my first time through any content goes at a snail’s pace because I take my time reading each quest.

I’ve seen the bad writing unfold as it was presented to us.

It’s middle-school level at best.


And you know what, after re-reading my original statement I do want to apologize for coming off sounding like I am personally attacking you for your opinion.

That sincerely was not the case at all. Only the context of your statement, which in all reality is just semantics.