Interesting PCGamer article about the cinematic

Most people don’t interact with Like/Dislike at all. Does the video having 4k likes mean only 4000 of the 250k liked it? Nearly all feedback I’ve seen on it, beyond just disinterest/ambivalence, is disappointment at the lazy, softball approach Blizz is giving to Sylvanas, after her basically massacring thousands for no good reason, and the incredibly trite “I will not serve”, a sentiment they use often but often with better characters. Sylvanas has no consistent writing, she’s a boring Mary-Sue where they focus every anti-hero cliche they can.


When I say that about FF14, I get crapped on here. :confused:

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I know, I loved her character and thought her killing herself by jumnping off ICC was a perfect ending to her arc (have any idea how many times i used that on my old posting mains because no one knew it?).

Its just since Cata, her character is all over the place. They keep changing her story. Up until Legion and they started putting her front and center did people start to hate her. Shes a great side character but since someone at Blizz is totally infatuated with her, shes gonna get the spotlight. They will never understand how most of us could get tired of her.


I’ve waited a lot longer than this to see how other stories would end. Sylvanas has been a fundamental part of WoW since WC3. Her story isn’t something that is going to be told in a single expansion.

Also to the OP, the article was boring and felt like reading another “i hate Sylvanas” rant but with more words.


Because her story don’t make any sense, she has no real form of character progression, she can switch between genocidal maniac to “misunderstood anti-hero” in the span of two scenes. I’m sorry but this isn’t how you build a compelling character. Its just not.

And the biggest tragedy is the fact she used to be one of the most compelling ones, a very very long time ago.


Sylvanas has been very vocal about people’s choices taken from them. She believes everyone should have a choice not be a pawn in someone’s game. She has personally had her life destroyed by choices others made and I think sometimes this blinds her.
It did not surprise me to see her turn against the jailer.


Someone posted a link to the article on Danuser’s Twitter. It’s no longer there. Wonder why?


I think the lack of continuity in her character probably has more to do with them simply wanting a psychotic villain for BfA but then being apprehensive to actually kill her character off.

If WoW was ending soon, I think they would kill off Sylvanas. But they probably want to re-use her in the future. But them wanting to keep milking these old school RTS characters even after making them primary antagonists and raid bosses merely because they lack the confidence to write interesting new ones is just bad writing.

They could have easily shown more to Sylvanas in BfA with all of the screen time she got. But she only ever appeared as a stereotypical psychotic villain. That’s what they wanted for the story then, but when it came time for her to be dealt with they decided to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and give her a conscience to avoid having to kill her off. It’s crap.


It’s always the people that never read quest text and have addons for automatically skipping cutscenes that are the ones that complain the loudest about the story not making sense and being garbage.


Let me guess… you think Bleach is top notch story-telling hm?

If you know about her “years of Lore”, you’d know that she’s been, at best, all over the place as a character.

Hailed as a great strategist… who told Arthas of the weakest points of the kingdom she was in charge of protecting.
Someone opting out of unnecessary fighting because she understood the possibility of retaliation and the dangers of it… that quickly turned around to burn it all to the ground.

She’s been a disaster since day one. She’s only been worse lately.


Why not?

Cairne got killed off screen in a book.

Vol’Jin got killed by random enemy #1293786324.

Thats 2 of the 3 founding members of the Horde.

Why does Sylvanas deserve 6 years of front and center?


The difference is if you don’t like the ARR story, they give you the option to boost and skip it right into the current expansion story, just like WoW does. If you’re complaining about the current expansion story, then there isn’t really “just wait for it to get good”, so if someone is saying that to you about Shadowbringers, they are just straight up wrong.


But this is a problem too. Why are those opinions who like the story and/or Blizz any less valid than those who hate it? They’re not. Stories are subjective, everyone views things differently.

Anyone who says they like what’s happening gets instantly shot down and told their opinion doesn’t matter because others would rather hate it. Which is wrong. It’s not a crime to defend Blizz and disagree with you.


I think in the context of WoW’s story universe having half your soul ripped out and the void left behind filled with darkness while having a shred of mortality left in you may actually influence your decision making. The only problem I have with Sylvanas is how we didn’t seem to get enough information about what was going on with her leading up to this. Other than that she is still my favorite character and I am very interested in seeing what happens next.

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I read all the quest text every single expansion and don’t skip any cutscenes, the story has still been garbage.


I like it.

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Blizz bad dev.

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Except when it a Proudmnoore or Wrynn.

Then she has no problem with controlling others.

And you Sylvanas apologists HATE Baine for pointing that out and fighting her for her own supposed beliefs.


also, using YT like/Dislike is nothing. In fact, this is my response to the dislikes: